@onlinegtrash, any reason behind this ID image ? anyways gud symbol for political parties in south :lol:
I felt like something important has changed in my basic understanding of markets and my self, I could see my past mistakes and even understand why they happened. Although change is never over night I felt I have been crossing some important line, a mile stone. Sure occasionally I was falling out of discipline, now I felt like I ve found the 'whys' of such relapses and some clue to handle myself!
That profile pic is a picture of a happy pirate skull, probably with sense of humour !
May be it's time to change the past nerdy learner profile pic to some thing sweet and terrorizing and start looting markets
Pirates are never like politicians, they have a code of honour, keep their words, don't back stab their clan but ruthless when on a mission to loot
Generally pirates don't follow the rules of the land but have their own rules, a philosophy of freedom and hardly act as sheep in crowd.