Since, many instruments in sideways here is a good read for you look at no:8 for my avatar and nick name's meaning.
Tlahuicole: :thumb::clapping:
Hailing from the Tlaxcalan tribe, Tlahuicole’s name is a legend in itself. It is rumored men other than himself couldn’t even lift the weapons he used in battle. Tlahuicole, fraternizing with the army after a particularly fierce battle, started living with an Aztec tribe. Realizing he couldn’t go home, he asked the Aztec king for a warrior’s death. For this, Tlahuicole was ordered to stand on a giant stone platform while 8 of the Aztec’s finest warriors attempted to kill him. Tlahuicole effortlessly slaughtered them all, and injured 20 additional men before he was killed. His heart was immediately cut from his body out of fear by the Aztecs after his fall.