Day Trading Futures

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Well-Known Member

Attached latest picture.Will get the EMA.But the Vwap lines and other lines are not visible.Sorry for bothering again.
Try this one and then the steps I posted before in the images let me know wht you get.. :) And This AFL is from Pratap only.. nothing mine. I just posted what I have in my Ami

Edit : The AFL is very flexible. After you lay it out, just go to param and explore all the options, you will hang of how you can change things.

SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Background", colorLightGrey)) ;

Layer = Param("Layer", 0, -5, 5, 1) ;
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} " + EncodeColor( colorGreen ) + " Open %g," + EncodeColor( colorBlue ) + " Hi %g, " + EncodeColor( colorRed ) + " Lo %g, " + EncodeColor( colorBlack ) + " Close %g (%.1f%%){{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", colorBlack, styleNoTitle | styleCandle,0,0,0,Layer );
ToolTip = "Open = " + O + "\nHigh = " + H + "\nLow = " + L + "\nClose = " + C ;

//Peaking Volumes
HiVolume = IIf(V > (2 * MA(V,10)), True, False);
PlotShapes(shapeSmallCircle * HiVolume, IIf(C > O, colorBlack, colorWhite), 0, (O+C)/2, 0);


usetf = ParamToggle("Use TF", "No|Yes", 1) ;

// Author: Pratap Balakrishnan
// Copyright: All rights reserved. Not to be circulated or shared or posted on websites without the author's written permission.
// email id: [email protected]
This creates a band of period-moving average for the given TF 
(TF should be equal to or higher than current chart TF).

alloff = ParamToggle("All off", "No|Yes", 0) ;

//	Rh = ParamField("High", 1) ;
//	Rl = ParamField("Low", 2) ;

tf = Param("TF", 3, 1, 100000, 1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 13, 2, 1000, 1 );
showzone = ParamToggle("Show Zone", "No|Yes", 1) ;
Layer = Param("Layer", -2, -5, 5, 1) ;
shift = Param("Shift", 0, -100, 100, 1) ;
showtitle = ParamToggle("Show Title", "No|Yes", 0) ;
showlabel = ParamToggle("Show Label", "No|Yes", 1) ;
isema = ParamToggle("MA Type", "MA|EMA", 1) ;
MAstyle = ParamStyle("MA Style", styleThick|styleDashed) ;
MAwidthper = Param("MA Width %", 0, 0, 10, 1) ;
MAwidth = SelectedValue(C) * MAwidthper /100 ;
Clrup = ParamColor( "Color Up", colorTurquoise);
Clrdown = ParamColor( "Color Down", colorRose);
Clrsw = ParamColor( "Color SW", colorLavender);
isexpandLast = ParamToggle("Expand Mode", "First|Last", 0); 

styledisp = 0 ;
if (NOT showtitle)
	styledisp |= styleNoTitle ;

if (NOT showlabel)
	styledisp |= styleNoLabel ;

expandmode = expandFirst ;
if (isexpandLast)
	expandmode = expandLast ;

if (NOT alloff)
	Oldintrvl = Interval() ;

	if (usetf)
		tfs = tf *in1Minute ;
		TimeFrameSet(tfs) ;
		tfs = Interval() ;

	if (isema)
		MAhtf = EMA(H, Periods) ;
		MAhtf = MA(H, Periods) ;

	if (isema)
		MAltf = EMA(L, Periods) ;
		MAltf = MA(L, Periods) ;

	str = NumToStr(tf, 1.0)+"Min"+"-P"+NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
	Clr = IIf(MAltf > Ref(MAltf, -1 ), ClrUp, 
			IIf(MAhtf < Ref(MAhtf, -1 ), ClrDown,
			 Clrsw)) ;

	if (usetf)
		TimeFrameRestore() ; //TimeFrameSet(Oldintrvl) ;

	if (usetf)
		MAhtfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAhtf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		MAhtfe = MAhtf ;

	if (usetf)
		MAltfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAltf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		MAltfe = MAltf ;

	if (usetf)
		Clre = TimeFrameExpand(Clr, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		Clre = Clr ;

	RefMAhtfe = MAhtfe ;
	RefMAltfe = MAltfe ;
	RefClre = Clre ;

	Plot( RefMAhtfe, str+" High", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 ); 
	Plot( RefMAltfe, str+" Low", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 ); 
	if (showzone)
		PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe, RefMAhtfe, RefMAltfe, RefMAltfe, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift, Layer) ;
	if (MAwidth > 0)
		PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
		PlotOHLC(RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
	showext = ParamToggle("Show Extension", "No|Yes", 1)  ;
	showextband = ParamToggle("Show Extension Band", "No|Yes", 1)  ;
	extend = Param("Extend", 20, 0, 100, 1) ;
	showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 1) ;

	if (showext)
		x0 = BarCount - (extend+1) ;
		x1 = BarCount -1 ;

		Hdlast = SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe) ;
		Ldlast = SelectedValue(RefMAltfe) ;

		Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hdlast, x1, Hdlast) ;
		Plot(Hplot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
		LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ldlast, x1, Ldlast) ;
		Plot(LPlot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

		if (showextband)
			PlotOHLC(HPlot, HPlot, LPlot, LPlot, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend,Layer ) ;


	showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 0) ;

	if (showparam)
		y = (SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe)+ SelectedValue(RefMAltfe)) /2 ;
		tfsd = tfs ;
		if (tfsd < Interval())
			tfsd = Interval() ;

		str = "TF = " + NumToStr(tfsd/in1Minute, 1.0) + " P = " + NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
		PlotText(str, BarCount+2, y, colorBlack) ;


usetf = ParamToggle("Use TF", "No|Yes", 1) ;

// Author: Pratap Balakrishnan
// Copyright: All rights reserved. Not to be circulated or shared or posted on websites without the author's written permission.
// email id: [email protected]
This creates a band of period-moving average for the given TF 
(TF should be equal to or higher than current chart TF).

alloff = ParamToggle("All off", "No|Yes", 0) ;

//	Rh = ParamField("High", 1) ;
//	Rl = ParamField("Low", 2) ;

tf = Param("TF", 60, 1, 100000, 1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 13, 2, 1000, 1 );
showzone = ParamToggle("Show Zone", "No|Yes", 0) ;
Layer = Param("Layer", -2, -5, 5, 1) ;
shift = Param("Shift", 0, -100, 100, 1) ;
showtitle = ParamToggle("Show Title", "No|Yes", 0) ;
showlabel = ParamToggle("Show Label", "No|Yes", 1) ;
isema = ParamToggle("MA Type", "MA|EMA", 1) ;
MAstyle = ParamStyle("MA Style", styleThick|styleDashed) ;
MAwidthper = Param("MA Width %", 0.01, 0, 10, 1) ;
MAwidth = SelectedValue(C) * MAwidthper /100 ;
Clrup = ParamColor( "Color Up", colorBrown);
Clrdown = ParamColor( "Color Down", colorBrown);
Clrsw = ParamColor( "Color SW", colorBrown);
isexpandLast = ParamToggle("Expand Mode", "First|Last", 0); 

styledisp = 0 ;
if (NOT showtitle)
	styledisp |= styleNoTitle ;

if (NOT showlabel)
	styledisp |= styleNoLabel ;

expandmode = expandFirst ;
if (isexpandLast)
	expandmode = expandLast ;

if (NOT alloff)
	Oldintrvl = Interval() ;

	if (usetf)
		tfs = tf *in1Minute ;
		TimeFrameSet(tfs) ;
		tfs = Interval() ;

	if (isema)
		MAhtf = EMA(H, Periods) ;
		MAhtf = MA(H, Periods) ;

	if (isema)
		MAltf = EMA(L, Periods) ;
		MAltf = MA(L, Periods) ;

	str = NumToStr(tf, 1.0)+"Min"+"-P"+NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
	Clr = IIf(MAltf > Ref(MAltf, -1 ), ClrUp, 
			IIf(MAhtf < Ref(MAhtf, -1 ), ClrDown,
			 Clrsw)) ;

	if (usetf)
		TimeFrameRestore() ; //TimeFrameSet(Oldintrvl) ;

	if (usetf)
		MAhtfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAhtf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		MAhtfe = MAhtf ;

	if (usetf)
		MAltfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAltf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		MAltfe = MAltf ;

	if (usetf)
		Clre = TimeFrameExpand(Clr, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		Clre = Clr ;

	RefMAhtfe = MAhtfe ;
	RefMAltfe = MAltfe ;
	RefClre = Clre ;

	Plot( RefMAhtfe, str+" High", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 ); 
	Plot( RefMAltfe, str+" Low", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 ); 
	if (showzone)
		PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe, RefMAhtfe, RefMAltfe, RefMAltfe, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift, Layer) ;
	if (MAwidth > 0)
		PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
		PlotOHLC(RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
	showext = ParamToggle("Show Extension", "No|Yes", 1)  ;
	showextband = ParamToggle("Show Extension Band", "No|Yes", 1)  ;
	extend = Param("Extend", 20, 0, 100, 1) ;
	showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 1) ;

	if (showext)
		x0 = BarCount - (extend+1) ;
		x1 = BarCount -1 ;

		Hdlast = SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe) ;
		Ldlast = SelectedValue(RefMAltfe) ;

		Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hdlast, x1, Hdlast) ;
		Plot(Hplot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
		LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ldlast, x1, Ldlast) ;
		Plot(LPlot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

		if (showextband)
			PlotOHLC(HPlot, HPlot, LPlot, LPlot, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend,Layer ) ;


	showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 0) ;

	if (showparam)
		y = (SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe)+ SelectedValue(RefMAltfe)) /2 ;
		tfsd = tfs ;
		if (tfsd < Interval())
			tfsd = Interval() ;

		str = "TF = " + NumToStr(tfsd/in1Minute, 1.0) + " P = " + NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
		PlotText(str, BarCount+2, y, colorBlack) ;


showprevday = ParamToggle("Show Prev Day Levels", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showprev2day = ParamToggle("Show Two Prev Day Levels", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showprevweek = ParamToggle("Show Prev Week Levels", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showrollweek = ParamToggle("Show Rolling Week Levels", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showextensiononly = ParamToggle("Show Extension Only", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showfloorpvt = ParamToggle("Show Floor Pivot", "No|Yes", 1) ;

extend = Param("Extend By", 20, 0, 200, 1) ;
x0 = BarCount - (extend+1) ;
x1 = BarCount -1 ;

if (showprevday)
Hd = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0,expandLast) ;
Ld = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0,expandLast) ;
Cd = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, 0,expandLast) ;
pvtd = (Hd+Ld+Cd) / 3 ;
S1 = (2*pvtd )-Hd;
R1 = (2*pvtd )-Ld;
S2 = pvtd  -(Hd - Ld);
S3 = S1 - (Hd-Ld); 
R2 = pvtd  +(Hd - Ld);
R3 = R1 +(Hd-Ld);
Clrperiodhigh = ParamColor("Color Daily High", colorRed) ;
Clrperiodlow = ParamColor("Color Daily Low", colorBlue) ;
Clrperiodclose = ParamColor("Color Daily Close", colorBlack) ;
Clrfloorpvt = ParamColor("Color Daily Pivot", colorGold) ;
if (NOT showextensiononly)
Plot(Hd, "", Clrperiodhigh , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Ld, "", Clrperiodlow , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Cd, "", Clrperiodclose , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
if (showfloorpvt)
	Plot(pvtd, "", Clrfloorpvt, styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Hdlast = SelectedValue(Hd) ;
Ldlast = SelectedValue(Ld) ;
Cdlast = SelectedValue(Cd) ;
pvtdlast = SelectedValue(pvtd) ;

Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hdlast, x1, Hdlast) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", Clrperiodhigh , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ldlast, x1, Ldlast) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", Clrperiodlow , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

CPlot = LineArray(x0, Cdlast, x1, Cdlast) ;
Plot(CPlot, "", Clrperiodclose , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
if (showfloorpvt)
	pvtdPlot = LineArray(x0, pvtdlast, x1, pvtdlast) ;
	Plot(pvtdPlot, "", Clrfloorpvt, styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

if (showprev2day)
Hd2 = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1,expandLast) ;
Ld2 = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1,expandLast) ;
Cd2 = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1,expandLast) ;

if (NOT showextensiononly)
Plot(Hd2, "", Clrperiodhigh , styleThick|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Ld2, "", Clrperiodlow , styleThick|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Cd2, "", Clrperiodclose , styleThick|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;

Hd2last = SelectedValue(Hd2) ;
Ld2last = SelectedValue(Ld2) ;
Cd2last = SelectedValue(Cd2) ;

Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hd2last, x1, Hd2last) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", Clrperiodhigh , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ld2last, x1, Ld2last) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", Clrperiodlow , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

CPlot = LineArray(x0, Cd2last, x1, Cd2last) ;
Plot(CPlot, "", Clrperiodclose , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;


if (showprevweek)

Clrhigherperiodhigh = ParamColor("Color Weekly High", colorBrown) ;
Clrhigherperiodlow = ParamColor("Color Weekly Low", colorGreen) ;
Clrhigherperiodclose = ParamColor("Color Weekly Close", colorBlack) ;

Hw = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inWeekly, 0,expandLast) ;
Lw = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inWeekly, 0,expandLast) ;
Cw = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inWeekly, 0,expandLast) ;

if (NOT showextensiononly)
Plot(Hw, "", Clrhigherperiodhigh , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Lw, "", Clrhigherperiodlow , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
//Plot(Cw, "", Clrhigherperiodclose , styleThick|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel)
Hwlast = SelectedValue(Hw) ;
Lwlast = SelectedValue(Lw) ;
//Cwlast = SelectedValue(Cw) ;

Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hwlast, x1, Hwlast) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", Clrhigherperiodhigh , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

LPlot = LineArray(x0, Lwlast, x1, Lwlast) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", Clrhigherperiodlow , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

//CPlot = LineArray(x0, Cwlast, x1, Cwlast) ;
//Plot(CPlot, "", Clrhigherperiodclose , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;


if (showrollweek)
Clrrollperiodhigh = ParamColor("Color Rolling 5Day High", colorPink) ;
Clrrollperiodlow = ParamColor("Color Rolling 5Day Low", colorPaleGreen) ;
Clrrollperiodclose = ParamColor("Color Rolling 5Day Close", colorBlack) ;

weektradingdays = 5 ;
Hrw = HHV(H, weektradingdays) ;
//Crw = HHV(C, weektradingdays) ;
Lrw = LLV(L, weektradingdays) ;
Hrwe = TimeFrameExpand(Hrw, inDaily, expandLast) ;
//Crwe = TimeFrameExpand(Crw, inDaily, expandLast) ;
Lrwe = TimeFrameExpand(Lrw, inDaily, expandLast) ;
TimeFrameRestore() ;

if (NOT showextensiononly)
Plot(Hrwe, "", Clrrollperiodhigh , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Lrwe, "", Clrrollperiodlow , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
//Plot(Cw, "", Clrrollperiodclose , styleThick|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel)
Hwlast = SelectedValue(Hrwe) ;
Lwlast = SelectedValue(Lrwe) ;
//Cwlast = SelectedValue(Crwe) ;

Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hwlast, x1, Hwlast) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", Clrrollperiodhigh , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

LPlot = LineArray(x0, Lwlast, x1, Lwlast) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", Clrrollperiodlow, styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

//CPlot = LineArray(x0, Cwlast, x1, Cwlast) ;
//Plot(CPlot, "", Clrrollperiodclose , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;



Well-Known Member
Try this one and then the steps I posted before in the images let me know wht you get.. :) And This AFL is from Pratap only.. nothing mine. I just posted what I have in my Ami

SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Background", colorLightGrey)) ;

Layer = Param("Layer", 0, -5, 5, 1) ;
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} " + EncodeColor( colorGreen ) + " Open %g," + EncodeColor( colorBlue ) + " Hi %g, " + EncodeColor( colorRed ) + " Lo %g, " + EncodeColor( colorBlack ) + " Close %g (%.1f%%){{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", colorBlack, styleNoTitle | styleCandle,0,0,0,Layer );
ToolTip = "Open = " + O + "\nHigh = " + H + "\nLow = " + L + "\nClose = " + C ;

//Peaking Volumes
HiVolume = IIf(V > (2 * MA(V,10)), True, False);
PlotShapes(shapeSmallCircle * HiVolume, IIf(C > O, colorBlack, colorWhite), 0, (O+C)/2, 0);


usetf = ParamToggle("Use TF", "No|Yes", 1) ;

// Author: Pratap Balakrishnan
// Copyright: All rights reserved. Not to be circulated or shared or posted on websites without the author's written permission.
// email id: [email protected]
This creates a band of period-moving average for the given TF 
(TF should be equal to or higher than current chart TF).

alloff = ParamToggle("All off", "No|Yes", 0) ;

//	Rh = ParamField("High", 1) ;
//	Rl = ParamField("Low", 2) ;

tf = Param("TF", 3, 1, 100000, 1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 13, 2, 1000, 1 );
showzone = ParamToggle("Show Zone", "No|Yes", 1) ;
Layer = Param("Layer", -2, -5, 5, 1) ;
shift = Param("Shift", 0, -100, 100, 1) ;
showtitle = ParamToggle("Show Title", "No|Yes", 0) ;
showlabel = ParamToggle("Show Label", "No|Yes", 1) ;
isema = ParamToggle("MA Type", "MA|EMA", 1) ;
MAstyle = ParamStyle("MA Style", styleThick|styleDashed) ;
MAwidthper = Param("MA Width %", 0, 0, 10, 1) ;
MAwidth = SelectedValue(C) * MAwidthper /100 ;
Clrup = ParamColor( "Color Up", colorTurquoise);
Clrdown = ParamColor( "Color Down", colorRose);
Clrsw = ParamColor( "Color SW", colorLavender);
isexpandLast = ParamToggle("Expand Mode", "First|Last", 0); 

styledisp = 0 ;
if (NOT showtitle)
	styledisp |= styleNoTitle ;

if (NOT showlabel)
	styledisp |= styleNoLabel ;

expandmode = expandFirst ;
if (isexpandLast)
	expandmode = expandLast ;

if (NOT alloff)
	Oldintrvl = Interval() ;

	if (usetf)
		tfs = tf *in1Minute ;
		TimeFrameSet(tfs) ;
		tfs = Interval() ;

	if (isema)
		MAhtf = EMA(H, Periods) ;
		MAhtf = MA(H, Periods) ;

	if (isema)
		MAltf = EMA(L, Periods) ;
		MAltf = MA(L, Periods) ;

	str = NumToStr(tf, 1.0)+"Min"+"-P"+NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
	Clr = IIf(MAltf > Ref(MAltf, -1 ), ClrUp, 
			IIf(MAhtf < Ref(MAhtf, -1 ), ClrDown,
			 Clrsw)) ;

	if (usetf)
		TimeFrameRestore() ; //TimeFrameSet(Oldintrvl) ;

	if (usetf)
		MAhtfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAhtf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		MAhtfe = MAhtf ;

	if (usetf)
		MAltfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAltf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		MAltfe = MAltf ;

	if (usetf)
		Clre = TimeFrameExpand(Clr, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		Clre = Clr ;

	RefMAhtfe = MAhtfe ;
	RefMAltfe = MAltfe ;
	RefClre = Clre ;

	Plot( RefMAhtfe, str+" High", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 ); 
	Plot( RefMAltfe, str+" Low", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 ); 
	if (showzone)
		PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe, RefMAhtfe, RefMAltfe, RefMAltfe, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift, Layer) ;
	if (MAwidth > 0)
		PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
		PlotOHLC(RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
	showext = ParamToggle("Show Extension", "No|Yes", 1)  ;
	showextband = ParamToggle("Show Extension Band", "No|Yes", 1)  ;
	extend = Param("Extend", 20, 0, 100, 1) ;
	showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 1) ;

	if (showext)
		x0 = BarCount - (extend+1) ;
		x1 = BarCount -1 ;

		Hdlast = SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe) ;
		Ldlast = SelectedValue(RefMAltfe) ;

		Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hdlast, x1, Hdlast) ;
		Plot(Hplot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
		LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ldlast, x1, Ldlast) ;
		Plot(LPlot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

		if (showextband)
			PlotOHLC(HPlot, HPlot, LPlot, LPlot, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend,Layer ) ;


	showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 0) ;

	if (showparam)
		y = (SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe)+ SelectedValue(RefMAltfe)) /2 ;
		tfsd = tfs ;
		if (tfsd < Interval())
			tfsd = Interval() ;

		str = "TF = " + NumToStr(tfsd/in1Minute, 1.0) + " P = " + NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
		PlotText(str, BarCount+2, y, colorBlack) ;


usetf = ParamToggle("Use TF", "No|Yes", 1) ;

// Author: Pratap Balakrishnan
// Copyright: All rights reserved. Not to be circulated or shared or posted on websites without the author's written permission.
// email id: [email protected]
This creates a band of period-moving average for the given TF 
(TF should be equal to or higher than current chart TF).

alloff = ParamToggle("All off", "No|Yes", 0) ;

//	Rh = ParamField("High", 1) ;
//	Rl = ParamField("Low", 2) ;

tf = Param("TF", 60, 1, 100000, 1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 13, 2, 1000, 1 );
showzone = ParamToggle("Show Zone", "No|Yes", 0) ;
Layer = Param("Layer", -2, -5, 5, 1) ;
shift = Param("Shift", 0, -100, 100, 1) ;
showtitle = ParamToggle("Show Title", "No|Yes", 0) ;
showlabel = ParamToggle("Show Label", "No|Yes", 1) ;
isema = ParamToggle("MA Type", "MA|EMA", 1) ;
MAstyle = ParamStyle("MA Style", styleThick|styleDashed) ;
MAwidthper = Param("MA Width %", 0.01, 0, 10, 1) ;
MAwidth = SelectedValue(C) * MAwidthper /100 ;
Clrup = ParamColor( "Color Up", colorBrown);
Clrdown = ParamColor( "Color Down", colorBrown);
Clrsw = ParamColor( "Color SW", colorBrown);
isexpandLast = ParamToggle("Expand Mode", "First|Last", 0); 

styledisp = 0 ;
if (NOT showtitle)
	styledisp |= styleNoTitle ;

if (NOT showlabel)
	styledisp |= styleNoLabel ;

expandmode = expandFirst ;
if (isexpandLast)
	expandmode = expandLast ;

if (NOT alloff)
	Oldintrvl = Interval() ;

	if (usetf)
		tfs = tf *in1Minute ;
		TimeFrameSet(tfs) ;
		tfs = Interval() ;

	if (isema)
		MAhtf = EMA(H, Periods) ;
		MAhtf = MA(H, Periods) ;

	if (isema)
		MAltf = EMA(L, Periods) ;
		MAltf = MA(L, Periods) ;

	str = NumToStr(tf, 1.0)+"Min"+"-P"+NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
	Clr = IIf(MAltf > Ref(MAltf, -1 ), ClrUp, 
			IIf(MAhtf < Ref(MAhtf, -1 ), ClrDown,
			 Clrsw)) ;

	if (usetf)
		TimeFrameRestore() ; //TimeFrameSet(Oldintrvl) ;

	if (usetf)
		MAhtfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAhtf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		MAhtfe = MAhtf ;

	if (usetf)
		MAltfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAltf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		MAltfe = MAltf ;

	if (usetf)
		Clre = TimeFrameExpand(Clr, tfs, expandmode ) ;
		Clre = Clr ;

	RefMAhtfe = MAhtfe ;
	RefMAltfe = MAltfe ;
	RefClre = Clre ;

	Plot( RefMAhtfe, str+" High", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 ); 
	Plot( RefMAltfe, str+" Low", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 ); 
	if (showzone)
		PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe, RefMAhtfe, RefMAltfe, RefMAltfe, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift, Layer) ;
	if (MAwidth > 0)
		PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
		PlotOHLC(RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
	showext = ParamToggle("Show Extension", "No|Yes", 1)  ;
	showextband = ParamToggle("Show Extension Band", "No|Yes", 1)  ;
	extend = Param("Extend", 20, 0, 100, 1) ;
	showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 1) ;

	if (showext)
		x0 = BarCount - (extend+1) ;
		x1 = BarCount -1 ;

		Hdlast = SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe) ;
		Ldlast = SelectedValue(RefMAltfe) ;

		Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hdlast, x1, Hdlast) ;
		Plot(Hplot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
		LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ldlast, x1, Ldlast) ;
		Plot(LPlot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

		if (showextband)
			PlotOHLC(HPlot, HPlot, LPlot, LPlot, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend,Layer ) ;


	showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 0) ;

	if (showparam)
		y = (SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe)+ SelectedValue(RefMAltfe)) /2 ;
		tfsd = tfs ;
		if (tfsd < Interval())
			tfsd = Interval() ;

		str = "TF = " + NumToStr(tfsd/in1Minute, 1.0) + " P = " + NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
		PlotText(str, BarCount+2, y, colorBlack) ;


showprevday = ParamToggle("Show Prev Day Levels", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showprev2day = ParamToggle("Show Two Prev Day Levels", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showprevweek = ParamToggle("Show Prev Week Levels", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showrollweek = ParamToggle("Show Rolling Week Levels", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showextensiononly = ParamToggle("Show Extension Only", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showfloorpvt = ParamToggle("Show Floor Pivot", "No|Yes", 1) ;

extend = Param("Extend By", 20, 0, 200, 1) ;
x0 = BarCount - (extend+1) ;
x1 = BarCount -1 ;

if (showprevday)
Hd = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0,expandLast) ;
Ld = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0,expandLast) ;
Cd = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, 0,expandLast) ;
pvtd = (Hd+Ld+Cd) / 3 ;
S1 = (2*pvtd )-Hd;
R1 = (2*pvtd )-Ld;
S2 = pvtd  -(Hd - Ld);
S3 = S1 - (Hd-Ld); 
R2 = pvtd  +(Hd - Ld);
R3 = R1 +(Hd-Ld);
Clrperiodhigh = ParamColor("Color Daily High", colorRed) ;
Clrperiodlow = ParamColor("Color Daily Low", colorBlue) ;
Clrperiodclose = ParamColor("Color Daily Close", colorBlack) ;
Clrfloorpvt = ParamColor("Color Daily Pivot", colorGold) ;
if (NOT showextensiononly)
Plot(Hd, "", Clrperiodhigh , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Ld, "", Clrperiodlow , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Cd, "", Clrperiodclose , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
if (showfloorpvt)
	Plot(pvtd, "", Clrfloorpvt, styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Hdlast = SelectedValue(Hd) ;
Ldlast = SelectedValue(Ld) ;
Cdlast = SelectedValue(Cd) ;
pvtdlast = SelectedValue(pvtd) ;

Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hdlast, x1, Hdlast) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", Clrperiodhigh , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ldlast, x1, Ldlast) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", Clrperiodlow , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

CPlot = LineArray(x0, Cdlast, x1, Cdlast) ;
Plot(CPlot, "", Clrperiodclose , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
if (showfloorpvt)
	pvtdPlot = LineArray(x0, pvtdlast, x1, pvtdlast) ;
	Plot(pvtdPlot, "", Clrfloorpvt, styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

if (showprev2day)
Hd2 = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1,expandLast) ;
Ld2 = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1,expandLast) ;
Cd2 = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1,expandLast) ;

if (NOT showextensiononly)
Plot(Hd2, "", Clrperiodhigh , styleThick|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Ld2, "", Clrperiodlow , styleThick|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Cd2, "", Clrperiodclose , styleThick|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;

Hd2last = SelectedValue(Hd2) ;
Ld2last = SelectedValue(Ld2) ;
Cd2last = SelectedValue(Cd2) ;

Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hd2last, x1, Hd2last) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", Clrperiodhigh , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ld2last, x1, Ld2last) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", Clrperiodlow , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

CPlot = LineArray(x0, Cd2last, x1, Cd2last) ;
Plot(CPlot, "", Clrperiodclose , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;


if (showprevweek)

Clrhigherperiodhigh = ParamColor("Color Weekly High", colorBrown) ;
Clrhigherperiodlow = ParamColor("Color Weekly Low", colorGreen) ;
Clrhigherperiodclose = ParamColor("Color Weekly Close", colorBlack) ;

Hw = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inWeekly, 0,expandLast) ;
Lw = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inWeekly, 0,expandLast) ;
Cw = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inWeekly, 0,expandLast) ;

if (NOT showextensiononly)
Plot(Hw, "", Clrhigherperiodhigh , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Lw, "", Clrhigherperiodlow , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
//Plot(Cw, "", Clrhigherperiodclose , styleThick|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel)
Hwlast = SelectedValue(Hw) ;
Lwlast = SelectedValue(Lw) ;
//Cwlast = SelectedValue(Cw) ;

Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hwlast, x1, Hwlast) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", Clrhigherperiodhigh , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

LPlot = LineArray(x0, Lwlast, x1, Lwlast) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", Clrhigherperiodlow , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

//CPlot = LineArray(x0, Cwlast, x1, Cwlast) ;
//Plot(CPlot, "", Clrhigherperiodclose , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;


if (showrollweek)
Clrrollperiodhigh = ParamColor("Color Rolling 5Day High", colorPink) ;
Clrrollperiodlow = ParamColor("Color Rolling 5Day Low", colorPaleGreen) ;
Clrrollperiodclose = ParamColor("Color Rolling 5Day Close", colorBlack) ;

weektradingdays = 5 ;
Hrw = HHV(H, weektradingdays) ;
//Crw = HHV(C, weektradingdays) ;
Lrw = LLV(L, weektradingdays) ;
Hrwe = TimeFrameExpand(Hrw, inDaily, expandLast) ;
//Crwe = TimeFrameExpand(Crw, inDaily, expandLast) ;
Lrwe = TimeFrameExpand(Lrw, inDaily, expandLast) ;
TimeFrameRestore() ;

if (NOT showextensiononly)
Plot(Hrwe, "", Clrrollperiodhigh , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(Lrwe, "", Clrrollperiodlow , styleThick|styleDots|styleStaircase|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel) ;
//Plot(Cw, "", Clrrollperiodclose , styleThick|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel)
Hwlast = SelectedValue(Hrwe) ;
Lwlast = SelectedValue(Lrwe) ;
//Cwlast = SelectedValue(Crwe) ;

Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hwlast, x1, Hwlast) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", Clrrollperiodhigh , styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

LPlot = LineArray(x0, Lwlast, x1, Lwlast) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", Clrrollperiodlow, styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;

//CPlot = LineArray(x0, Cwlast, x1, Cwlast) ;
//Plot(CPlot, "", Clrrollperiodclose , styleLine|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;


Latest picture.The dotted lines are still missing.:(



Well-Known Member
thanks for manish bhai for helping to get correct chart for amitrandiv. :thumb::thumb:

i silently follow both your chat and i too set pratap bhai's chart. :):)

and also thanks to xray bhai to post his chart. :thumb::thumb:

finally "NO WORDS" have to thanks (because those are very little) to pratapvb sir, for such a greatest indicator share with TJ's. :clap::clap::clapping::clapping:
thanks for manish bhai for helping to get correct chart for amitrandiv.

i silently follow both your chat and i too set pratap bhai's chart. :):)

and also thanks to xray bhai to post his chart.

finally "NO WORDS" have to thanks (because those are very little) to pratapvb sir, for such a greatest indicator share with TJ's.

I agree with your words. Both of them do a lot of good to the members here. Hats of to both and many others here. :clapping::clap::thumb:

Now you may allow a little ad to your post: What ever indicator you trade on, nothing is perfect. To teach your eyes also to chart with out any thing, do charting day by day with out nothing. Do charting with out any indicator nor with out any other information. Just a plain chart with candles or bars. Do this for a few months just to find out if it may works for you with out nothing. What you will learn is some thing you never will forget in your trading career.

Have a most beautiful time and enjoy your live :)


Well-Known Member

I agree with your words. Both of them do a lot of good to the members here. Hats of to both and many others here. :clapping::clap::thumb:

Now you may allow a little ad to your post: What ever indicator you trade on, nothing is perfect. To teach your eyes also to chart with out any thing, do charting day by day with out nothing. Do charting with out any indicator nor with out any other information. Just a plain chart with candles or bars. Do this for a few months just to find out if it may works for you with out nothing. What you will learn is some thing you never will forget in your trading career.

Have a most beautiful time and enjoy your live :)

Best words to put dan. I had lost lakhs in the past few years using all sorts Of indicators and one day decided to quit this part where I kept losing all the time. Started with plain charts and horizontal trend lines . Trust me I have had positive results so far. Hope to trade with 20 lots intraday someday when I will just be a professional trader and nothing else.


Well-Known Member

I agree with your words. Both of them do a lot of good to the members here. Hats of to both and many others here. :clapping::clap::thumb:

Now you may allow a little ad to your post: What ever indicator you trade on, nothing is perfect. To teach your eyes also to chart with out any thing, do charting day by day with out nothing. Do charting with out any indicator nor with out any other information. Just a plain chart with candles or bars. Do this for a few months just to find out if it may works for you with out nothing. What you will learn is some thing you never will forget in your trading career.

Have a most beautiful time and enjoy your live :)
Very true.. charts never make money. It's how we read and take advantage of it. Will tell you something funny abt myself. When I found a first AFL a year ago, I was very happy coz I was new to this whole Ami.. and with time I have a collection of about 10,000 AFL (don't even look at them). But realized with time that no matter how great an AFL is, we have to put our effort to understand and utlize it. With that being said, some AFL (like one from Pratap), helps very greatly but we have to practice it to know how to use it to our best :)
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