Sharing here the Relative Strength list of most Bullish and Bearish counters based on the net total of various parameters. These ranks change on a daily basis based on the market action that happened on that day. (Please do not take any trading decision based solely on these ranks as one need to do his/her own analysis before taking final decision).
It is not possible for me to thoroughly analyze each of these stocks on a daily basis. So I am thinking about sharing this list here so that those members who have also got these same stocks in their tracking radar based on various perspectives like - Chart Patterns, Open Interest Analysis, Technical Indicators etc. can share their views and we can all zoom in on the counters showing the most potential. Nothing is 100 % guarantee and anything could happen in the markets, but still it is better to focus on the relatively strong counters for buying and vice verse.
Counters showing Strength -
Counters showing Weakness -
Thanks and regards
PS: If it is not the right thread to post these lists then please let me know.
I would like to clarify it that simply because these counters are shown as bullish or bearish, does not really mean a great deal. I have seen it many times that the strongest one from this list gets beaten up next day itself and vice verse for the weakest ones.
So we all need to do our own analysis before risking our money. This list should be just considered as a small helping tool to shortlist the counters to be researched and nothing else. There is absolutely no guarantee that the strong most counters from this list will move up today. In fact the opposite could happen quite easily. So please be cautious before doing real trades.