Day Trading Futures

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Well-Known Member
Havnt seen green snakes for quite some time :D
2 green snakes talking.
1st : are we the type of snakes who wrap ourselves around our prey (bulls n bears) and squeeze and crush until they re dead? Or are we the type of snake who ambush our prey and bite them and they get poisioned? .
2nd Snake : “Why do you ask?”
1st : “I just bit my lip!”
but saar you are now only 100 % pessimistic.
why so ?
Nearly 100 days.. they will be presenting a report card anyday. A lot of optimism, but the ground reality says that the real estate is going in dumps, as are the metals, O&G dependent on international situation. The overoptimism needs to be balanced with a bit if pessimism.


Well-Known Member
It's kinda funny I closed my 15800 PE @ 230 (bought at 141)
It may be sounds funny but I am just saying what I am seeing on charts.
As far as concern of PE, it's S/L was triggered on same day.

I can see the mistakes that caused me to lose.
I can not see the mistakes that caused me to win.---Chinese Proverb
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