Can you plz. share a resource about a good write up on Price action bar reading. Although I have read Lance Beggs but in totality I do not still follow his style.
1. As earlier said, I trade using Nifty Spot just after expiry day due huge difference of overnight premiums.
2. Shorted near previous support 7707 Spot (Wed day low) (Near 12:20 PM today)which was near to today's high. So again shorted Nifty near days High easily.
3. Booked half near days low 7660 spot (around 2:10 PM)
4. Add half again after breaking of days low.
5. Booked full near support 7600 spot.
6. So got 100+ pt from 50% position and 46+56 = 102 pt from rest 50% positon. Net 100+pt on whole position.
Good to see you got 96 pt too.
Happy Trading. :thumb:
Can you plz. share a resource about a good write up on Price action bar reading. Although I have read Lance Beggs but in totality I do not still follow his style.
on 30th july after the sudden rally when i exited my longs before the boom, mind got twisted and took 3 positions when risk was more than 10 points.
lost all 3 .
so decided to stick to LTF till my control is back.
I personally felt you were doing wonderful in scalping ~5k+ everyday.
I am trying to understand the risk in 5 min vs 1min. In todays trade it was 18 points [entry - 7717, stop - 7735] for 4 lots its 72 points Vs on 1min you usually took 6 lots with stops close to ~6.5 points with a total risk of 39 points.
What is your experience with 5min Vs 1min in terms of risk?
Can you plz. share a resource about a good write up on Price action bar reading. Although I have read Lance Beggs but in totality I do not still follow his style.
All material are available on traderji ********
For candlestick patterns you can read Steve Nison's ...... For PA, Lance Beggs and Al Brooks material is also good ....... google about PA( price action) and candlestick patterns.... you will find ample resources.