Day Trading Stocks & Futures


Well-Known Member
Movement in one direction :
Banknifty can move approx 360 points from here 31600 level till expiry (max) (lower /upper boundary 31240 /31960)
Nifty can move approx 120 points from here till expiry (max) ..
Todays opening in Banknifty is -0.44% (31460) and nifty is -0.19% (11905) .. I'm not expecting a close below these levels :)
Still counting on the calcultions.. Option buying proved risky .. but option selling would have made money.

even after this downmove.. 31200 PE has not given gains... still at 70 level..


Well-Known Member
all 3 days this week call put holders butchered
thats why I'm still saying 3 days wasted.. had you been selling option (hedged) .. at least some money would be made :) ..

calls lost badly, puts hardly gained..

31300 CE came down from Rs 390 to Rs 130 :rolleyes::rolleyes: .. imagine the situation of call option buyer.. :)
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Still counting on the calcultions.. Option buying proved risky .. but option selling would have made money.

even after this downmove.. 31200 PE has not given gains... still at 70 level..
It has been a very good option selling move since election result day. But the important and difficult part is to recognize this move at the right time and get out of it when it's over. Because if we are caught on the other side of volatility then market punishes very badly.


Well-Known Member
11850 pe bought 23 (avg) sold 31
11750 pe next week bought at 37 sold 49
30800 pe next week bought 83 sold 104
Good going... i just revisited my intraday option selling strategy and surprised to see that today it has not made me any money !!! o_Oo_Oo_O
I just realized that most of the benefit was absorbed at opening itself. .. so intraday is not worth .. one has to hold the position overnight to get full benefit :)
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