Astrological Analysis ; N K industries.
The Promoter is Mr. N. K. Patel having Scorpio as moon sign . Sun will pass through 11th house (house of gains) from 16.9.07 yo 16.10.07, when there will be short term rally.
Again Jupiter will transit 2nd house (wealth house) from 22.11.07 till Dec2008, when there will be medium term rally. Finally, Saturn will transit 11th house from 2009 till 2011/2012, when there will be long term rally.
In my opinion , the share price should run Rs. 30 to Rs.50 in short term, Rs. 100 to Rs. 200 in mid term and Rs. 400 to Rs. 600 in long run.
Pl watch your own horoscope also while investing.