'Discussion Thread' - Systematic approach to Fundamental Analysis


Active Member
That was very well and very briefly explained. looking forward to your teaching posts.

Basically, one has to try and pinpoint the unique competitive advantage. Such advantages are often driven by technology. In reports of major brokers, one gets to know the scope of the industry but one does not come to know the unique strengths of a company.Even Individual analysts send their people to talk to managements to know their uniqueness. How can a layman know about such things- extensive reading?


Well-Known Member
That was very well and very briefly explained. looking forward to your teaching posts.

Basically, one has to try and pinpoint the unique competitive advantage. Such advantages are often driven by technology. In reports of major brokers, one gets to know the scope of the industry but one does not come to know the unique strengths of a company.Even Individual analysts send their people to talk to managements to know their uniqueness. How can a layman know about such things- extensive reading?
Well the annual report gives one a great deal of insight into such things. The more you compare two 'like' companies, the better you understand their business

Its been a long time since I updated the thread. I will be adding 2 articles this week.

Hi Rounak,
It will be very useful for new members if you can support the document with some case study.
A real time case study will help to understand the subject and then members can move ahead and replicate the similar work in other shares on their own

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