Divend yielding stocks

Dear Trady, how can we get this data for amibroker, please explain or post script so we get help from ur hard work with regards nifty46(Dhiraj Sood)


Well-Known Member
Which are good dividend yielding stocks for last 10 - 15 years?
Dear raju,
HRU?now days not see you here :)

yes as praveenji mentioned HCL infotech is one of them......with chennai petro,sasken tele,Mangalam cement,Bajaj holding.........these are good dividend paying scrips watch for entry in dips...........
Re: Dividend yielding stocks


There is this company, Solitaire Machine Tools that is trading around Rs.14 and it gives 10% dividend. Do you have any opinion about it? I have read about the company but I would value your opinion because you seem far more knowledgeable than me. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Re: Dividend yielding stocks


There is this company, Solitaire Machine Tools that is trading around Rs.14 and it gives 10% dividend. Do you have any opinion about it? I have read about the company but I would value your opinion because you seem far more knowledgeable than me. Thanks.
sorry gautam......am not tracking it... not see in my database too...Also am not any expert in finding scrips for long term :). am trader (swing & intra)...some times only try for it when market is come down.....


Well-Known Member
Most important thing while looking at dividend yields is to check whether the dividend is consistent or just one off . Look at bse website of the company for past dividend records.

@ Gautam, Though the company is close to 10% yeild now it didnt pay any dividends in 2009 and 2010.The reason they give was this

ln view ofthe uncertainty prevailing in the industry and decline in profits due to recession in last year, your. board has decided not to recommend the dividend for the year under review.

A company which cuts its dividend during bad economic times will serve no good for someone seeking protection via dividends.Besides its mcap is just 6Cr. Based on what i could read it exports close to 55% percent that to US and Europe. Make sure to make a thorough study of the company before investing.

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