"Elwave 76 RT" OR "Elwave 76 for Metastock (Plugin)" OR.... Adget ?

Can someone please guide me how to integrate Elwave 7.6 with REAL TIME ticks with Excel using the DDE feature.
I was able to integrate one scrip - with one instance of Excel open. Say for example, for Nifty, I opened one instance of Excel with the filename as Nifty.xls which works fine.
But there are a few queries with regards to the same and extra scrips, as follows:
1) How to integrate Volume into the same.
2) Do I have to open another instance of Excel for another scrip. I tried using the !Sheet feature which did not work. With another instance for Excel for another scrip, it eats a lot of memory.

What is the solution for the same. Can some experienced person guide me on the same.

warm regards...rbhapkar

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