EoD Update of Fibotrader

Hi soumya!
First of all let me thank and appreciate your ongoing efforts and contribution to forum towards fibotrader and other related subjects of common interest.
I am new to the forum and new to TA software too.I have downloaded, main file and EOD database form the link which you have posted on 13/05/06.I have a free version now as I had to reinstall the fibotader second time due to some technical error in my first installation.atempt.
But I have overwrite the copy of Main file and eight (8)EOD files by right clicking the downloaded copy of RAR files and extracting directly to Fibotrader/data as I was not able to unzip.>again unzip,like the way you have explained in your post.Is it ok?
And another doubt is that,whether I have to download and install the update 3.1 from second link which is available at fibotrader.com?
I not very familiar with computer/software terminologies. Without your help I may not be able to start using Fibotrader.I request you to kindly please help me if you dont mind?

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