Escape's Trading Diary - Options


Well-Known Member
Here is log as of last session.

NIFTY OPT 30AUG 12 PE @ 5500 (B)100 @102.20 (S)100 @ 107.68 +547.50

After deducting all charges: Rs +518.67

Capital Status:
Exact Initial Capital: Rs. 15746
Current Ledger balance Rs. 14350 (-1396)

Today again I traded using Support Levels, and this time it worked, moreover today kept SL of around 10 points lower than buy rate. Overall did 2 trades and both resulted in profit. Interestingly today I was looking multiple time-frame charts (specially 2 min, 1 min charts, and in-between 3 mins too).

One more week to go to complete phase 1 of this thread, hopefully I will survive on initial capital until then.


Well-Known Member
If you fail, be true to your self and if you really made it, be trough to your self.

As we not have any prove in no way of what ever you posted, I think it is still one of the good threads about option trading in this forum.

Would appreciate more of such kind of threads in the Indian market with the knowing distance for such kind of threads.

Please move on. :)



Well-Known Member
If you fail, be true to your self and if you really made it, be trough to your self.

As we not have any prove in no way of what ever you posted, I think it is still one of the good threads about option trading in this forum.

Would appreciate more of such kind of threads in the Indian market with the knowing distance for such kind of threads.

Please move on. :)

Thank you for your posting.

As always, I take your comments seriously as it makes a lot of sense.
To be true, most of time you are very straight forward in expressing your view. Also, you being one of senior members and having experienced in trading better than most of us here, so reading your posting is beneficial for us and helps us to avoid common mistakes.

Regarding my postings (including my figures), I'm taking figures directly given by my broker at end of day. Few trades I have missed to post during trading hours, but never missed end of day results that includes all trades done during trading hours.

Also if I want to post rosy pictures, I would have posted really good results, but if someone notices my end of day results til now, expect for yesterday where I had made some profit, on all remaining days, I have lost.

As of now, I have lost total sum of Rs. 4940.62, in total of 9 trading days (on an average loosing around Rs 450 daily). I may see this as achievement as I was assuming to loose around Rs 1000 daily during phase 1.

I remember few times, I did a mistake, and to avoid that, lead to another one. Really learnt value of putting Stop Loss.

To summarize my learning:
1. Learnt value of putting Stop Loss
2. Initially I use to have higher number of trades, this is reduced now.
3. Initially I use to see only 1 min chart, that has changed now.
4. Some improvement in reading charts (to note, seeing HH, HL, LH, LL)
5. Not to force into trade. Not to jump into trade seeing numbers going high or price going down.
6. Some improvement in discipline.

Things still I have to learn:
1. How to keep running profit, and not to exit?
2. Most of time I buy on higher price, basically to confirm momentum, but that leads to opportunity loss, don't know solution for this.
3. How to minimize losses?
4. How to start earning profit (long way to go)?
5. Patience and to trust my own system.
6. Avoid biased view or assumptions.

Still long way to go through these pitfalls.

So I have to keep motivated myself, need support and realistic feedback from trading community to keep this moving.

Dan, please keep posting your views and thank you once again for your post here.




Well-Known Member
Bought NIFTY 30Aug2012 CE 5300 @ 90.90, SL @ 81.00, CMP 91.50.
SL exit at 81.00, loss of 9.9 points and brokerages.
Today because of heavy rain in Mumbai, electricity went down today (rarely happens in Mumbai) for few hours because of some wire faults, luckily I kept stop loss and it got executed and saved me of bigger loss and overnight position risk.


Well-Known Member
Here is log as of last session.

NIFTY OPT 30AUG 12 CE @ 5300 (B)50 @92.10 (S)100 @ 81.00 -555.00

After deducting all charges: Rs -568.11

Capital Status:
Exact Initial Capital: Rs. 15746
Current Ledger balance Rs. 13782 (-1964)

Today I was not active in second half, as because of power failure today due to heavy rain here. As I kept SL, it got executed and so no overnight risk.

Tomorrow I'll not trade as I'm travelling.

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