Escape's Trading Diary - Options


Well-Known Member
Overall it was good trading day yesterday, did in all eight trades with negligible loss of Rs. 12.
NIFTY OPT 30AUG 12 CE @ 5300 (B)200 @111.04 (S)200 @110.93 -22.00
NIFTY OPT 30AUG 12 PE @ 5400 (B)200 @95.35 (S)200 @95.98 126.00

After deducting all charges: Rs -12

Capital Status:
Exact Initial Capital: Rs. 15746 (in first post I wrote Rs 15000, exact amount is Rs. 15746)
Current Ledger balance Rs. 15734 (-11)

I have to keep little more room for stop loss.
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