EUR/USD Live Calls


Well-Known Member
Hello there Guys,
I just laid down the charts,looks like a strong level to me.
There are two reasons:
Round Number Power
And previous traffic around that region.
If consolidation is there the break out trade will be in direction of the trend.
So My call Long EUR/USD,As the the Candle is a tweezer bottom.
Take profit at 1.2750 and break even then target 1.2770
Look at the chart.
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Well-Known Member
Hello there guys,:thumb:
Forgive me for non presence on this forum,and not fulfilling upon what was promised by me.
Due to some unexpected event i won't be able to post on this thread for next 3 days.

For all those who have been wanting me to post on this thread consistently,not just because they will benefit,but will improve my skills by active criticism,i will be back and post consistently hence forth i get back here.(This being said because even i also believe i'm not that good as compared to my dear edward here and others like pip shower and desifx trader, that anyone could possibly benefit that much from me then them,but i have backtested what i am using so it is good.);)
I shall fullfill upon my promise once i get back,from my unexpected trip.:)


Well-Known Member
Dude.. you are doing a fabulous job...
Keep up the good work... belief is the most important thing... just believe in yourself.. your logic.. your system and then.. you shall see 'DESIGN IN RANDOMNESS AND ORDER IN CHAOS' TM... (nobody uses this sentence :lol:

and that's technical analysis... I am a subscriber to your thread from now dude.. keep it coming and God bless

Hello there guys,:thumb:
Forgive me for non presence on this forum,and not fulfilling upon what was promised by me.
Due to some unexpected event i won't be able to post on this thread for next 3 days.

For all those who have been wanting me to post on this thread consistently,not just because they will benefit,but will improve my skills by active criticism,i will be back and post consistently hence forth i get back here.(This being said because even i also believe i'm not that good as compared to my dear edward here and others like pip shower and desifx trader, that anyone could possibly benefit that much from me then them,but i have backtested what i am using so it is good.);)
I shall fullfill upon my promise once i get back,from my unexpected trip.:)


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,
I'm back and i will post now consistently.
Let me tell you what i'm looking right now.
I'm looking at a chart of euro/usd it looks like its forming a doji on a major level just above 1.2600 level.
You can see the marking of major levels in blue,(i drew them from daily chart)
Now my order will be a limit buy at 1.2615,and sell stop 1.2595,limit sell 1.2650.
If then OCO order as above.
Let us see,what happens cause price is already moving up maybe the doji may not exist within a while,but sure the buying pressure is strong above this level,(If no bar confirmation is there i will pass this trade).

And my dear Edward Sir,
I have learn't from your thread quite a lot,and expect to do more.
And i always had known you were one person who was better then all others here sir.
I am also one of the frequent readers of new post's there,but am sad that you don't post that often you are always busy(i may sound naive sir ji why don't you place orders on daily chart (if you don't already) you will have more time to be here and teach us)
Thank you so much for positive appreciation Sir.

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Hi Tavnaz

Been following your posts, looks interesting and similar to something I am following. Well a room im following. They have started retracement trades and look very similar to the style that you are using. I like the risk reward you are using. Im currently in forex live room, they provide real time trades on quite a few pairs. Main thing i like is that they give exact order they are placing with their broker. Very similar to what you are doing here.




Well-Known Member
Hello there guys,:thumb:
Sorry for the delay in the posting's first of all.
I have been working on a system for this whole week which could enhance my trades win percentage by about 7-10 %.So there all my efforts are pouring down.
I know this is supposed to be a euro/usd live calls section but,it does not leave me with enough trades so i scan some 45 currency pairs.
So here i am scanning some great opportunities that are developing on some currency pairs.
AUd/JPY has a nice pin bar on weekly chart.
For which i believe it will the order to buy will be as such
Limit Buy at 75.43
Stop Sell at 74.98
Limit Sell at 76.84
I will check the chart again at 5:30 AM Indian time for sunday bar to change my entry to some extent.

As per Eur/Usd it's having a strong buying formation on Weekly.
But is near a resistance level,i'll check later after sunday bar to confirm again
My call Limit Buy 1.2680
Stop Sell 1.2621
Limit Sell 1.2764
As said earlier will check at 5:30 to reconfirm.
NZD/USD is also having a pin bar in the weekly chart will post about it later
Hi Tavnaz

Been following your posts, looks interesting and similar to something I am following. Well a room im following. They have started retracement trades and look very similar to the style that you are using. I like the risk reward you are using. Im currently in forex live room, they provide real time trades on quite a few pairs. Main thing i like is that they give exact order they are placing with their broker. Very similar to what you are doing here.


Hello Forex Player i'm glad to know you are also following something about retrace trades.:)
Tell me something more about, what you follow exactly and what is the name of the trading room.
As per my stop loss Forex Star i really believe it is possible in any market to take a 50:1 reward to risk ratio,and i've seen many trades with the same.
Will elaborate more once i hear from you.;)

And thank you Edward for starting a new thread.:thumb:
Warm Regards


Well-Known Member
Hello there guys,:thumb:
Just came across a very nice pin bar a grade AAA setup on Cad/JPY
It has a long nose and MACD shows divergence in daily chart.
Stochastic Oversold on Weekly.
You want to make a quick 100-400 bucks this week it's the pinbar you want
Look at your chart.
My call for now Limit buy 80.66
Stop Sell 80.20
Limit Sell 81.59
More then that it is the entry in Wave 3 of the rising trend in CAD/JPY
Could be a winner if the price continues to rise upwards for coming few weeks.
Will Elaborate later.;)
Please Comment.


Hello there guys,:thumb:
Just came across a very nice pin bar a grade AAA setup on Cad/JPY
It has a long nose and MACD shows divergence in daily chart.
Stochastic Oversold on Weekly.
You want to make a quick 100-400 bucks this week it's the pinbar you want
Look at your chart.
My call for now Limit buy 80.66
Stop Sell 80.20
Limit Sell 81.59
More then that it is the entry in Wave 3 of the rising trend in CAD/JPY
Could be a winner if the price continues to rise upwards for coming few weeks.
Will Elaborate later.;)
Please Comment.
on CJ daily I see consolidation for next 2 bars, I can be wrong


Well-Known Member
Hello Mr Preet,
I'm expecting gap up in cad/jpy.
if it crosses 81.70 will be a good sign.
More then that i believe a support below 81.00 at 81.40 not exactly but in whereabouts.
So here is the plan price gaps up 81.70 is support or price hits 81.70 goes down below 81.00 hits support bounce back up in full throttle.
either case your order is safe.
Once the price takes off you break even take profit at zero risk.
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