Excel Speadsheet to Download Price & other data from Yahoo


That's a very good file to possess but can it be tweaked to update automatically in 10 seconds?

ANd one more things, Can we also gewt all the Yahoo Symbols connected to an Excel Sheet , so that all the companies can be gathered and then by simple formulas we can shortlist the ones we want to Invest or Watch our for?

Thanks a lot for this wonderful file
Warm Regards
it was good XLS i ever saw.
Thanks for great s/w.

i dont know it may be a :(bug in the Excel..
1) open xls (2007 office)
2) click data -> connection
3) i can see lot of connection which was created.
4) each and every time i add or delete.... new connection is created.

this all will take time to load the script in to the xls.
i dont know how to remove this bug.
anyone can give solution to solve this issue..

Dear Friends,

This is my first post to Traderji.com.

Recently I came across an Excel spreadsheet, from one of the websites I was browsing. I found the spreadsheet to be very useful in downloading data from Yahoo website. I am attaching the zip file for the benefit of members.

What I liked the most in this spreadsheet was the simplicity behind it. It has lot more to offer which could be easily done by the users. The spreadsheet allows the user to get as many as 80 to 90 parameters (Though some of them are not working).

I have not developed the spreadsheet but merely discovered it. I have tweaked the spread sheet in its present form for fetching some more information.

It works for me as far as NSE & BSE is concerned. I hope it works for all our respected members.

However I am not able to tweak the spreadsheet for Options & Futures Data.Maybe some of the more technically advanced members will find a way out.

I have benefited a lot from this forum . I hope to repay some of it thru this post. I hope that members of this forum will find the utility useful.


Srikanth Acharya
Sultanate of Oman
Impressive, very generously impressive indeed.

May I request the good "Acharya" to explain briefly at least for the benefit of non geeks such as me, just how to proceed and make use of the work-sheet

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