Expiry week : Which options are you looking at ?


Well-Known Member
Have generally observed that options become volatile on expiry around 3 pm,and a huge volatile move comes around in 10-15 mins around that time.
A few months back had taken Nifty puts for around 3 rs , in a matter of seconds they blasted off to 22 rs,exited around 19 rs.

By the way the above trade lasted for only 3 minutes and the price crashed again to end at 0.05 in the next 10 minutes.

Extremely dangerous ,please take such trades only if you have the risk appetite for it.

Check this trade in Nifty 8400 PE.The 3 pm candle,open is at 5.5 and had a high of 16.5.
I did not take this trade ,just for educational purpose.

5 min Chart of Nifty 8400 PE.
yea bro i too noticed in charts when it was 7 ...
as today was profit i didn;t risk . i said atleast for today i am enjoy it don;t want to ruin it.

so skipped it :D

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