Exploring....Exploding STOCKS !!!


Well-Known Member

post the quadra and 315 afl .. or provide me the links

thank you
I have this one as 315 system

_SECTION_BEGIN("315 cross");
Plot(Close,"Price",colorBlack, styleCandle);
shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ), 0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Magnified Market Price");
//by Vidyasagar, [email protected]// 
FS=Param("Font Size",30,11,100,1);
GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", FS, 700, True ); 
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );  
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorBlack) ); 
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",600,1,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",1,1,830,1); 
GfxTextOut(""+C, Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 11, 700, True ); 
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );  
GfxSetTextColor(ParamColor("Color",colorBlack) ); 
GfxTextOut(""+DD+"  ("+xx+"%)", Hor , Ver+45 );


no=Param( "Swing", 20, 1, 55 );

Plot( 2, "Ribbon",IIf(C>tsl,colorBlue,colorRed),styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );
try this... it works for me perfectly....

/* */
/* Quadra Trading System */
/* Version 1.30 */
/* (11 August 2012) */
/* */

SetChartOptions(0, chartShowDates | chartWrapTitle);

/* */
/* Define Wilder's MA */
/* */

function WilderMA(Field, Period)
X[0] = Field[0];

for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++)
X = Field/Period + X[i - 1] * (Period - 1)/Period;
return X;

/* */
/* Define EMA */
/* */

function MyEMA(Field, Period)
Y[0] = Field[0];
for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++)
Y = (Field - Y[i - 1]) * 2/(Period + 1) + Y[i - 1];
return Y;

/* */
/* Wilder's MAs */
/* */

A1 = WilderMA(C, 5);
A2 = WilderMA(C, 8);
A3 = WilderMA(C, 13);
A4 = MyEMA(C, 50);

/* */
/* Candle Color */
/* */

Green = C > O;
Red = C < O;

for(i = 1; i<BarCount; i++)
if(C == O)
if(Green[i - 1] AND C >= C[i - 1]) Green = 1;
if(Red[i - 1] AND C <= C[i - 1]) Red = 1;

/* */
/* */

PrevHi = H;
PrevLo = L;
SLBuy = Null;
SLShort = Null;
GUp = GapUp();
GDn = GapDown();

for(i = 2; i < BarCount; i++)
PrevLo = PrevLo[i - 1];

if(L[i - 2] >= L[i - 1] AND L[i - 1] <= L)
PrevLo = L[i - 1];

PrevHi = PrevHi[i - 1];
if(H[i - 2] <= H[i - 1] AND H[i - 1] >= H)
PrevHi = H[i - 1];


/* */
/* BUY/SELL */
/* */

Buy = (A1 > A2 AND A2 > A3);
Sell =(A1 < A2 AND A2 < A3);

Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);

Bought = Flip(Buy, Sell);
Sold = Flip(Sell, Buy);

for(i = 1; i <BarCount; i++)
SLShort = Min(PrevHi, PrevHi[i - 1]) + 0.1;
if(GDn) SLShort = L[i - 1] + 0.1;
if(Sell) break;
for(i = 1; i <BarCount; i++)
SLBuy = Max(PrevLo, PrevLo[i - 1]) - 0.1;
if(GUp) SLBuy = H[i - 1] - 0.1;
if(Buy) break;

for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++)
if(Buy) SLBuy = PrevLo[i - 1] - 0.1;
if(Bought) SLBuy = Max(SLBuy[i - 1], PrevLo - 0.1);
if(GUp) SLBuy = H[i - 1] - 0.1;

if(Sell) SLShort = PrevHi[i - 1] + 0.1;
if(Sold) SLShort = Min(PrevHi[i - 1], PrevHi) + 0.1;
if(GDn) SLShort = L[i - 1] + 0.1;
for(i = 1; i<BarCount; i++)
if(SLShort > SLShort[i - 1]) SLShort = SLShort[i - 1];

Marker1 = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
MarkerColor = IIf(Buy, colorBrightGreen, colorYellow);
Marker1Dist = IIf(Buy, 0.995 * L, 1.005 * H);
EMA_Position = IIf(A4 > A3 AND A4 > A2 AND A4 > A1, 1, IIf(A4 < A3 AND A4 < A2 AND A4 < A1, -1, 0));

/* */
/* SHOW/HIDE Option */
/* */

Arrows = ParamToggle("Show Arrows", "NO|YES");
ShowTSL= ParamToggle("Show TSL Line", "NO|YES");

_N(Title = EncodeColor(colorAqua) + "QUADRA EOD TRADING SYSTEM by Savant Garde; AFL Version 1.30 by Anant Navale\n\n"
+ EncodeColor(colorPink) + StrFormat("{{NAME}}({{INTERVAL}}), {{DATE}} : {{OHLCX}}, Vol=%1.0f\n{{VALUES}}\n", V)
+ "EMA50 location: " + EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + WriteIf(EMA_Position > 0, "Above, ", "")
+ EncodeColor(colorLightGrey) + WriteIf(EMA_Position == 0, "Inside, ", "")
+ EncodeColor(colorRed) + WriteIf(EMA_Position < 0, "Below, ", "")
+ EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + WriteIf(Green, " Green Candle", "")
+ EncodeColor(colorRed) + WriteIf(Red, " RedCandle\n\n", "\n\n")
+ EncodeColor(colorWhite) + WriteIf(Buy, "Buy Above " + (H + 0.1), "")
+ WriteIf(Sell, "Sell Below " + (L - 0.1), "")
+ WriteIf(Buy, " StopLoss = " + SLBuy, "")
+ WriteIf(Sell, " StopLoss = " + SLShort, ""));

if(Status("action") == actionIndicator)
Plot(A4, "EMA50", colorLightGrey, styleLine | styleThick);
Plot(A3, "Wilder MA13", colorRed, styleLine);
Plot(A2, "Wilder MA8", colorLightOrange, styleLine);
Plot(A1, "Wilder MA5", colorBrightGreen, styleLine);

Plot(SLBuy, "SL for Buy", colorLightBlue, styleDots);
Plot(SLShort, "SL for Short", colorGold, styleDots);

Plot(C, "", IIf(Green, colorGreen, IIf(Red, colorRed, colorGrey50)), styleCandle);

PlotShapes(Marker1, MarkerColor, 0, MArker1Dist);

if(Status("action") == actionExplore)
Filter = Buy | Sell;

SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True);
AddTextColumn(Name(), "SYMBOL");
AddColumn(DateTime(), "DATE", formatDateTime);
AddColumn(IIf(Buy, 66, 83), "TRIGGER", formatChar, colorWhite, IIf(Buy, colorGreen, colorRed));
AddColumn(EMA_Position, "EMA Position",1.0);
AddColumn(IIf(Buy, H + 0.1, L - 0.1), "TRIG PRICE", 1.2);
AddColumn(IIf(Buy, SLBuy, SLShort), "Stop Loss", 1.2);
AddColumn(C, "Last Close", 1.2);
if you still see any probs than use parameter settings to make adjustments.....

how do you combine both the systems and get the signal for eod ..

Not combine per se... Let me explain you buy an example suppose a stock gives a signal under 315 than i track it till quadra gives a follow up signal... Most of the time the signal is followed after 2 to 4 bars... Now u can argue that most of the move has already passed as 315 gave an early signal but this is what u need to pay to avoid wrong signals.... As i already quoted 315 sometimes gives multiple signal before a correct trend is cought... This is where quadra helps me.... If a follow up signal is not received than as per my observation signal of 315 does not sustains.... And if a follow up signal is received via quadra than its most likely that trend will continue with strength... All said and done it suits me hence i use it.... I would advise you to first track this setup than make an opinion for yourself....

union bank, gitanjali showing some intrest along wih adanient,nbcc. others failed. market conditions remain bearish.

ktk, ttkhealth old picks performed well

Yes today was a very silent day... But there is always a tomo... Keep up ravi bhai...