Calculation of Profit/Loss?
I have some doubts regarding the appropriate calculation of Profit/Loss. If possible, please help me understand this......
For example, consider a scenario where some transactions are done in FUTURES which result in a LOSS and some transactions are done in OPTIONS which result in a PROFIT. Following are the details.....
FUTURES transactions -
LOSS = Rs. 15000(L)
Brokerage on BUY transactions = Rs. 3000(B1)
Brokerage on SELL transactions = Rs. 4000 (B2)(This is inclusive of STT of Rs. 1000(STT1))
OPTIONS Transactions -
PROFIT = Rs. 25000(P)
Brokerage on BUY transactions = Rs. 5000(B3)
Brokerage on SELL transactions = Rs. 6000(B4)(This is inclusive of STT of Rs. 1000(STT2))
NOTE: Brokerage includes 'Actual Brokerage'(A), 'Transaction Charges'(B), 'Stamp Duty'(C), 'SEBI Turnover Charges'(D), & 'Service Tax on brokerage'(E) apart from STT as applicable and mentioned above.
Now, in the above scenario what is the actual profit or loss that could be actually considered as Business income or Business loss?
Is it simply P - L or is it P - L - B1 - B2 - B3 -B4 or something else?
Is there any special consideration for STT1 & STT2 in the above scenario?
Is it ok to consider the total brokerage as A+B+C+D+E+STT or only A should be considered?
Extremely sorry for asking too many questions and giving so lengthy examples but these would help me gain some insight into taxation in the best way. Please pardon my ignorance.