forextrading in india-few questions?

Yes, there is a broker which accepts payment to fund the mt4 platform through Indian banks. I am a forex trader and using this service for the last 1 1/2 years.

For more details please PM me and I can help you to open an account.

yes there are various international brokers which acts in forex trading govt rule says the max investment of $200,000 apart from that there are options of openeing a account from $1000 dollars in which the company will trade for that means your account will be in professional hands and flexible withdrawal within 24 hours you can also have sub broker ship and earn like any thing if you want i can assist you just PM me
yes there are various international brokers which acts in forex trading govt rule says the max investment of $200,000 apart from that there are options of openeing a account from $1000 dollars in which the company will trade for that means your account will be in professional hands and flexible withdrawal within 24 hours you can also have sub broker ship and earn like any thing if you want i can assist you just PM me
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4.if it is not legal,can we all tarders put a request to rbi to allow international brokers and allow forextrading?
please share your views
I guess it wouldn't amount to much in the face of economically illiterate politicians & bureaucrats that run the government but I think it would be worth a try if the trading-community pushed for some sort of petition for making forex trading legal by demonstrating that getting rid of currency-controls would actually help India by attracting more foreign capital & thereby help better brace the value of INR in the long-run & make India more of a global player