General Trading Chat

Also Spot BankNifty closing above 20EMA.
Also remark that while BNF had a range of 301 points, bank nifty spot had a range of 236 points only. Don't know how to interpret this.


Well-Known Member
In case someone doesnt know, most of the people in borat are not actors, its chuppa rustum style movie with only some actors who know whats going on. He uses his crassness to bring out some of the prejudices of people to great comic effect.

Crude but very funny, his speech in some award ceremony (oscars?) for borat was very funny too. There are other videos too of borat which are not part of movie.
And he does other characters too, but nothing beats borat.
Yes correct.. infact many of the characters (real people) were not even aware that it was going to be a movie. Later they sued him also.. :D
Watched a nice discussion on TV. Thought of sharing some points as under :

The participants were FII and fund managers like Ridham Desai, N Jaikumar,Ramesh Damani, Vibhav Kapur and Sushil Kedia. The topic was whether the ongoing bull market has still more steam left or we are near the end of the bull market ( or already seen a bull market top at 9200...

All participants felt that bull market has many more years to go...the signs of bull market topping out was not seen and the signs are as under :

1) Inflation goes up and out of Govt's control.

2) Interest rates are high.

3) The excesses are clearly seen. Markets gallop and the last phase is a blow off phase where markets go up few % points every day.

4) Cats and Dogs shares and shares with poor fundamentals go to dizzy proportions.

5) Retail participation increases and the retail gets trapped at the bull market top.

6)Traders find it very easy to make huge gains ,your driver or maid servant's husband will tell you how he made money in stocks....that is a sure sign of top approaching.Rikshaw drivers,taxi drivers will talk about stock market gains.

7) After the top, the market will crash and will come down not by 8-10 % but 50-60 % from the top....traders and investors trapped will get devastated.

8) Everyone even new investors will find making money in the market very easy and they will get sucked in...

Having seen atleast 4 bull and bear market cycles I agree with most of the observations....and hence thought of view is also that we are not even at 1/3 distance in the current bull market.Corrections of 8-12 % will keep coming in between...

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In addition to the above points:

1) At bull market top, there will be business magazine interviews of brokers,fund managers and large traders.

2) There will be sudden rush for companies to come out with share issues and these issues will get hugely oversubscribed irrespective of the merits of the issue.

3)There will be rush of mutual fund houses floating all kind of fancy funds with innovative names.

4) All traders ( even 1 -2 months experienced traders) will start feeling that they are the Market Wizards and they have figured out everything about the market...

5) Traders will start aggressively managing outside money promising very high % returns to the investors.

6) Traders will be the most popular people at parties with everyone asking for tips to make money.


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