Above method works...
Last year dad platelets count went down around 35000.
Started papaya leaf juice
Since day 2 platelets started increasing Day 2 count was 55000
day 3 count 90k
Originally Posted by Smart_trade View Post
One has to monitor platelate counts after the dengue attack as platalates deplete very fast.Papeeta leaves juice is helpful in increasing platalates counts quickly.
true, platelet counts can be improvised by papaya leaf juice, karela(gourd) skin juice, drum stick leaves juice, giloy juice(nowadays easily available + amla + tulsi),wheat grass juice.............this things also work on immunity...all bitter juice work on platelets.
please make sure to drink filtered water, use sugarcane juice for glucose intake during this period. But please control temperature and get proper medication and complete the course.
If platelet infusion/transfusion is needed and if financially ok then prefer single donor platelet........transfusion takes hardly 10-15 minutes......
Guys please start donating platelets as well....one can donate platelets monthly and can donate blood(3 months). Our country is facing blood and platelet scarcity,people in city die die due to scarcity, people in rural areas die due to insufficient ,illiterate staffing and lack of resources.