General Trading Chat

Do you guys see something strange with above crudeoil snap quote...?

and the latest screenshot took few seconds before:
The scrip is locked in upper circuit.. The upper circuit was locked at 3034, then later revised to 3120 - maybe after a few minutes of the earlier lock. What exactly are you trying to point out ?
Sudden gap ups/downs due to geo political news and development is a risk which a swing trader always has. These are called price shocks. These are larger than average gaps due to some events such as war breaking out, Fed and other central banks actions,terrorist attacks act of God like floods ,earthquakes etc.

These shocks occur once in few months/years. Swing traders position should be such that even 250-300 nifty points gaps should not make a big dent in his trading capital. Many will say then why trade swing ?? Swing trading is very profitable mode of trading and for a price shock of 250 points happening once in a while,we cannot let go opportunity of making that much or more per month in rest of the months.Good news is these price shocks do not occur too often.:)

Keeping the position size under control is the only solution. We cannot hedge our positions every day else it will dilute the returns to great extent.Sudden news no one can predict but known news events one can have a hedge only for that news if it is going to come when markets are not trading.Price shocks in downwards direction are more likely than in upwards direction.

Few of my thoughts on price shocks...

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