ST Sir,
Can you please put your thoughts on what changes have you find in market behavior over the past 2 decades. Like: Market never used to gap open so frequently as these days(on the basis of historical data that i went from 2012 - 2015). Please take your time no hurries. I am sure lot of traders here, will be benefited.
I experimented with trading NF following SPX and FTSE during last two weeks of Jan. Although the experiment was a success in catching bigger moves, but I realised I was spending too much effort on only one scrip, which was NF. My resources (attention and screen space) were diversified, but my risk was not.
So, from this week, I will try to diversify my resources and risk both by trading other instruments, starting with stock futures. I saw big draw-downs of 70 odd NF points (all the points measured on a scale of NF and the usual number of lots I trade) yesterday and today, but managed to end yesterday with 12 points gain and today with 55 points gain. So, this strategy is riskier, but little fine-tuning (i.e. identifying what stocks to trade, starting with those which have made extremes during the previous trading session) shall make it worthwhile, let's see during the next two weeks. :thumb: