On a side note how many Zerodha 60 day challenge winners do we have here ? Asking because i want to know if winning the challenge helped your trading in anyway. Asking because ever since it i have lost my sense of patience and only try to end trades in break-even or small profits. Im missing out on very big moves in my intraday account.
In short i have become very very conservative and i am now making only 30% of the profit/loss i used to make. Overall success ratio hasnt improved but still:lol:
60 days challenge helps us cutting our losses quickly.But it should not induce booking profits also just in breakeven or small profits. Remember that you will make good score if the profits are more than your losses and for this reason we have to hold our winners.
Winning the challenge with 2-3 % gains is winning for getting the brokerage back. Our aim should be disciplined trading for making good returns on capital...not brokerage refund alone.If done with this attitude then it greatly helps us achieving consistant returns.
In other words, we trade for earning returns on our capital and not for winning 60 days challenge......winning that challenge comes as a natural byeproduct.