General Trading Chat

This weekend we were invited by my friend and his wife to their home for breakfast .My friend works as a Private sector corporate executive and his wife works as a director in large educational institution which has over 100 schools,colleges and management institutions under their management.

While chitchatting I was surprised to hear when my friend's wife told me that she buys and sells shares. She said she started doing that from 2003 in a small way and most of their investments now is in growth shares and equity mutual fund portfolio.She does lots of company research and reads balance sheets and P & L accounts of the companies before investing.From the discussions I sensed that their monthly earning by stock trading is over Rs 3.00 Lacs.The lady does shares research after taking care of household work,her job and the travelling which the job involves.

She trades swing on the stocks...all in cash market and she said she is doing very well and she has no worries as they dont have pension as they are likely to retire soon. She does not trade in derivatives.When market is in bear trend, she shifts her money to debt and liquid funds.

I was surprised to hear that they have no exposure to bank FDs which is the most preferred investment avenue of people.Nice to see more people getting more interested in stocks trading and it will bring much needed respectability to stock trading.:thumb:

ha ha

Post Mar 11, it will be unidirectional :D
May be in your preferred one :lol:
A heard from a little birdie that SP-Cong is doing quite well in UP. Question is can the bull brothers take the heart attack caused by BJP's defeat? It is after all a Modi and hope based bull run not earnings or growth. I took bearish position before US election, got handsomely rewarded, I will do the same in March. Otherwise there is not much happening on the economic front. The growth continues to be sluggish, demand and earnings showing no sign of recovery etc.
A heard from a little birdie that SP-Cong is doing quite well in UP. Question is can the bull brothers take the heart attack caused by BJP's defeat? It is after all a Modi and hope based bull run not earnings or growth. I took bearish position before US election, got handsomely rewarded, I will do the same in March. Otherwise there is not much happening on the economic front. The growth continues to be sluggish, demand and earnings showing no sign of recovery etc.
Thats what I said on political front (though SP Congi or BSP, it doesnt matter) !!!!
If market has to go for a correction or deep correction, it will be after a (steep) rise only
A heard from a little birdie that SP-Cong is doing quite well in UP. Question is can the bull brothers take the heart attack caused by BJP's defeat? It is after all a Modi and hope based bull run not earnings or growth. I took bearish position before US election, got handsomely rewarded, I will do the same in March. Otherwise there is not much happening on the economic front. The growth continues to be sluggish, demand and earnings showing no sign of recovery etc.
Different birdies are singing in different voices. I met a few people from UP over the weekend who swore that there was a saffron color in these elections.

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