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What a let down Jet Airways case was/is.

The government (promoter/mai baap of sarkaari bank) didn't provide it temporary funding to keep it flying (it is said this was done under the lobbying of Tatas, Indigo and Spicejet owner Ajay Singh a self-confessed Modi bhakt. All these guys funds BJP as well).

Now see the joke... really don't know what words to use here... after grounding the airline and handing over all its precious slots and everything to rivals... these thugs started scouting for investors!! Of course people like me with xray like eyes know it is all a charade. I have never seen such brazen misuse of public money (Banks will now make zero recovery. Write off will happen and of course the govt will recapitalise the banks with tax payers money so that they continue criminal misuse of it).

Kya ho ra hai ye? So so saddened by this development.

And one can accept misuse and deliberate write-offs because this has happened in the past and this story will remain the same with any government.

But what hurted me is THE zero concern and regards for 16 thousands employees and people depended on them. Such criminal negligence when the world over netas and government are fighting for jobs. And here in India where there are no quality jobs available, the powers to be simply didn't care about such a big loss... very shameful conduct.

I'm so saddened. Jet was NO Kingfisher. It situation was retrieveable. It could have been salvaged. It was among India's few little known and recognised global brands, a shining example of post liberalization, made by a first generation hardworking promoter.

That instead of saving the airline, they choose to murder it so brazenly and ruthlessly under lobbying pressure does not bore well for India. Off course you will not get to see or read all this true analysis from the pliant media which is so dependent on ads from corporates like Tatas etc. Buying the silence and support of media is the easiest thing in India.

And Worst jaley par namak thing is yet to happen!! It will happen when these sarkaari banks will Willingly take the write-off of around 30k crore in Air India, thru a SPV, when it will be getting sold to Tatas (ET is lobbying hard for them for long. Ratan Tata ko log bhagwan samajte hai. LOL).

Feling really dejected by what has transpired in the past few months....

Disclosure : No direct, indirect or any position in Jet. Nor any my close relative used to work there. Just a supporter and sayer of right thing and most likely political incorrect things :)


Well-Known Member
What a let down Jet Airways case was/is.

The government (promoter/mai baap of sarkaari bank) didn't provide it temporary funding to keep it flying (it is said this was done under the lobbying of Tatas, Indigo and Spicejet owner Ajay Singh a self-confessed Modi bhakt. All these guys funds BJP as well).

Now see the joke... really don't know what words to use here... after grounding the airline and handing over all its precious slots and everything to rivals... these thugs started scouting for investors!! Of course people like me with xray like eyes know it is all a charade. I have never seen such brazen misuse of public money (Banks will now make zero recovery. Write off will happen and of course the govt will recapitalise the banks with tax payers money so that they continue criminal misuse of it).

Kya ho ra hai ye? So so saddened by this development.

And one can accept misuse and deliberate write-offs because this has happened in the past and this story will remain the same with any government.

But what hurted me is THE zero concern and regards for 16 thousands employees and people depended on them. Such criminal negligence when the world over netas and government are fighting for jobs. And here in India where there are no quality jobs available, the powers to be simply didn't care about such a big loss... very shameful conduct.

I'm so saddened. Jet was NO Kingfisher. It situation was retrieveable. It could have been salvaged. It was among India's few little known and recognised global brands, a shining example of post liberalization, made by a first generation hardworking promoter.

That instead of saving the airline, they choose to murder it so brazenly and ruthlessly under lobbying pressure does not bore well for India. Off course you will not get to see or read all this true analysis from the pliant media which is so dependent on ads from corporates like Tatas etc. Buying the silence and support of media is the easiest thing in India.

And Worst jaley par namak thing is yet to happen!! It will happen when these sarkaari banks will Willingly take the write-off of around 30k crore in Air India, thru a SPV, when it will be getting sold to Tatas (ET is lobbying hard for them for long. Ratan Tata ko log bhagwan samajte hai. LOL).

Feling really dejected by what has transpired in the past few months....

Disclosure : No direct, indirect or any position in Jet. Nor any my close relative used to work there. Just a supporter and sayer of right thing and most likely political incorrect things :)
Govt is not their to run or revive private companies.
Govt is not responsible for those 16k employees. Those employees need to find new job in other companies that is how it works however rude it sounds.Being emotional does not help.
Govt is only responsible for policy making. Govt created IBC process for failing companies so that lender can recover whatever left in a speedy manner.

If there is delay in liqudation then that is a issue ...but Banks had full freedom to request liquidation faster.
If Govt actively stopped and or delayed liquidation or bankruptcy proceeding then I would like to know.

May be these IBC process need further improvement for improving turnaround time but blaming govt for the whole issue is not right

In another case the same banks are reluctant to write off losses and proceed with bankruptcy ...they think IBC timeline too short. they also want exemption from IBC for some cases saying they are special even if they are deep in default.
Banks are the root cause of all problem.

In fact all PSU need to be sold because PSU in similar case will keep getting bail out from Govt at the cost of exchequer.
In fact all PSU need to be sold because PSU in similar case will keep getting bail out from Govt at the cost of exchequer.
Agree with most of your post except for this part. I think the PSUs need to be better managed. They have become a story of the government's failure. The PSUs were the drivers of our economy for a long long time. Then somewhere along the way, the government took a decision to divest. Since then these companies have gone downhill without a brake.

Imagine good running businesses like Air India, BSNL, Railways running into deep losses !!. Now the government wants to divest its properties in these assets.

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