Since Its going down, so the first short trade (if happens) will be 14 (4142) points below the 5 min bar... and then onwards.. if it does not go down.. then 7 points above the 30 min bars..
Since Its going down, so the first short trade (if happens) will be 14 (4142) points below the 5 min bar... and then onwards.. if it does not go down.. then 7 points above the 30 min bars..
Since Its going down, so the first short trade (if happens) will be 14 (4142) points below the 5 min bar... and then onwards.. if it does not go down.. then 7 points above the 30 min bars..
Since Its going down, so the first short trade (if happens) will be 14 (4142) points below the 5 min bar... and then onwards.. if it does not go down.. then 7 points above the 30 min bars..