Gold, dollar, euro calculation?

Hy mehtaka

Check this link. It gives you an idea about inter market relation between different futures.
If you do not understand, learn the symbol names of all the futures. It is basic stuff to every future trader.

You should also get a little bit familiar with the most basic fundamental aspects in the behavior of gold, the euro and the dollar.

An other source is Marc Faber. Find him in the net. I know him personally. He is an adviser to a friend of mine and his study's and posts are based on fundamentals and less on chart techniques.

Edit : Otherwise it gets to complicated. Here the link from Prof. Faber :

An other source you can use is the free " Currencymagazine" or the free " Options and Future" trader magazine. In those magazins, you will see charts, which give you some more information.

Take care and good luck
Hi Dan

Sorry to say you, you have removed all links from your own thread on crude due to our stupid fellow remarks. Pl, provide this links .It is really helpful to forum members & your contribution will rememberable forever. Hope you will honour my request.

All good work in the world will not succed without public insultation & appreciation. Again, pl, provide links.
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Well-Known Member
Hy lazytrader

Try this :

Or go to the home page :

There have a look at the right side : Free links,

there go to : For Your Information

There you go to Inter-Market Gold Silver Correlations

Check the other stuff. It is really a good page. I have it from Linda.

Regards and good trading
After staring at the charts for some time I think some things are getting clearer. Tell me if I am right: The numbers in the cells are percentage correlation between various indices. If they are positive then both move in the same direction and if they are opposite then when one moves up other goes down and data from the past 6 months is used to generate the chart.
Is that right?

It is difficult for me to figure out what all that means without knowing what the symbols are. I found the symbols from commodities in the help pages on main page.

Guess what, I read about Moores research center in Dr. Van Tharps book. Thanks for the links. Good ones. :clapping:


Well-Known Member
Well since you guys are really interested in trading gold and silver check out and search for some videos on youtube ( and try to understand the functioning of these markets and why the prices are behaving the way they are as of now. Gata provides an explanation never seen or heard before and its backed by substantial data to prove their point.

And lazy , co-relation is useful at times and all the other times its a hoax created by using convenient data which shows extreme +1 or -1 relationship to misguide or add to the bedlam of speculators.

Well since you guys are really interested in trading gold and silver check out and search for some videos on youtube ( and try to understand the functioning of these markets and why the prices are behaving the way they are as of now. Gata provides an explanation never seen or heard before and its backed by substantial data to prove their point.

And lazy , co-relation is useful at times and all the other times its a hoax created by using convenient data which shows extreme +1 or -1 relationship to misguide or add to the bedlam of speculators.

It is really useful resource


Well-Known Member
Dan , perhaps you misinterpreted my previous post.

Firstly we are not debating the issue that the trend of gold is up. I think its a given since my broker also knows that gold and silver is in an up trend. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out. gives an explanation as to why the trend is up.

Secondly nobody here is challenging/questioning the abilities or ethical standards of Linda Braschke. On the contrary this is the first time her name has been mentioned. Just because a veteran trader uses a particular tool it does not mean that the tool gains more credibility or increases your odds of improving your bank balance. If it does for you then good going mate.

The whole point of the post was to challenge statistical tools like co-relation which are often misleading. Let me invert the question right back to you . Why don't you give us proof of any two financial assets with either +1 or -1 co-relation which have behaved either in tandem with the other or completely inversely from inception? ? Sounds ridiculous , doesn't it ? ? The relationship keeps on changing. And its not a very sound tool for me to make investment decisions where only price is a variable without taking into consideration volumes.

P.S good to know that the trend is your friend

Gold investment

Hey ppl.. Im new to the bullion market.
I want to invest in gold for a long term. Likewise in shares we can hold them in demat form for many years. Same ways can one buy gold not in physical, but keep for years to come!!!


Well-Known Member
Thank You for the reply Dan. Ironically i trade only those financial assets which are under heavy financial manipulation as the volatility in those markets favors my style of trading.

And if i sounded a little offensive in the previous post , i apologize for that. I can act like a jacka** at times.
