Gold prices saw a bright day with investors buying bullion as the dollar weakened, and adding to that china kept interest rates steady and a US tax cut extension loomed. The dollar fell, partly on concern a tax cut extension could swell the Us. budget deficit, this gave gold a boost.
Bill O'Neill, partner of New Jersey-based commodities firm LOGIC Advisors said: "There is inflation coming through the roof when it came to the Chinese data."


Well-Known Member
Suggest keep your comments concentrated in one single thread instead of starting a new thread.
Have already merged all your previous threads.

Japanese market especially the Nikkei saw a dull day

Japanese market especially the Nikkei saw a dull day as with sentiment soured by a declining China market. Asian shares eased, led by a drop of as much as 3 percent in China's key stock index as a shortfall of money flows ahead of the year-end in a tight monetary environment pressured the market.
Hideyuki Okoshi, general manager at Chuo Securities said: "Selling (in the Japanese market) is due to external reasons, and as there are fewer foreign participants in the market, low volume is causing volatility."


Well-Known Member
Re: Japanese market especially the Nikkei saw a dull day

why did u feel the need to start a new thread for this post?

You could have very well posted in PT's thread!:)
Oil prices were up after production shutdowns

Oil prices were up after production shutdowns, falling US inventories and growing demand sent Brent crude toward $100 a barrel for the first time since 2008. Oil's climb back toward $100 a barrel -- last touched in October 2008 -- has raised concerns about the impact of higher fuel costs on the tenuous economic recovery.Sabine Schels, commodity strategist for Merrill Lynch warned saying: "Back in 2008, (U.S.) crude oil only traded above $100 a barrel for about six months before the world economy collapsed into the worst crisis since the 1930s."
Crude Oil prices were up

Oil prices were up after production shutdowns, falling US inventories and growing demand sent Brent crude toward $100 a barrel for the first time since 2008. Oil's climb back toward $100 a barrel -- last touched in October 2008 -- has raised concerns about the impact of higher fuel costs on the tenuous economic recovery.Sabine Schels, commodity strategist for Merrill Lynch warned saying: "Back in 2008, (U.S.) crude oil only traded above $100 a barrel for about six months before the world economy collapsed into the worst crisis since the 1930s."
Re: Crude Oil prices were up

Oil prices were up after production shutdowns, falling US inventories and growing demand sent Brent crude toward $100 a barrel for the first time since 2008. Oil's climb back toward $100 a barrel -- last touched in October 2008 -- has raised concerns about the impact of higher fuel costs on the tenuous economic recovery.Sabine Schels, commodity strategist for Merrill Lynch warned saying: "Back in 2008, (U.S.) crude oil only traded above $100 a barrel for about six months before the world economy collapsed into the worst crisis since the 1930s."
from where did u copy this??:p
The US Treasury Market closed on a negative note

The US Treasury Market closed on a negative note before a government report that economists said would show the US cost of living increased the most in 16 months. Treasuries rose yesterday after the central bank purchased more of the securities than traders expected.Nick Stamenkovic, a fixed-income strategist at RIA Capital Markets Ltd. in Edinburgh said: If we saw not only a rise in the headline rate but also signs that the core rate is rising as well, that would be bad news for Treasuries.
Asian physical demand and a weaker dollar helped the rise in precious metal

Gold prices rose as strong as Asian physical demand and a weaker dollar helped the precious metal retrace some of this month's losses. Miguel Perez-Santalla, vice president of sales at Heraeus Precious Metals Management said: "Every time gold goes down, people see it as a buying opportunity, and there is a lot of good physical buying from Asia coming into the market place."
US crude prices rised again

US crude prices rose on supply concerns in the North Sea, but a stuttering economic recovery in the United States kept prices off the key $100 level and saw US crude ease for a second day.Andy Lebow, a trader at MF Global in New York said: "It's a story of relative supply. Brent has seen tight supplies and good demand from Asia, while the expectations are supplies will remain at high levels around Cushing."

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