Golden Nugget

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Dear fellow trader,
I have spent enough time abroad so,my language is little like those americans,excuse the harshness of my language,i might as well have typed gangsta way hehe.
It can happen from time to time but kindly follow what Jagankris has mentioned. A forum can be tough but it always forgive when the good will is proved from the avatar over time.

As you now have support from ST, an other Mr. Spock has arrive in your thread . Guess you know now the interest given to your thread for the moment and it is on you to keep it that way for the future with out "Gangsta Way" :D

Take care and have a nice weekend / Dan :)
Sample up trend
pink lines are high highs
and green lines are higher lows

Are you sure the second chart is posted correctly ? This looks more like Urdu or Japanese uptrend....from right to left. Time is plotted on X axis from left to right normally unless it is something different here..

Sorry...could not resist posting this....carry on with the good work.



Well-Known Member
I have been waiting for someone to teach rice eating Indians a system with positive expectancy all my trading life. :thumb:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: I just (h)ate a (w)hole plate of rice with spicy curry. Are you calling me dumb?? :D How mean you can be at 11:16 Pm on a saturday!!!


Well-Known Member
For me to provide what i want to,our thinking regarding one important aspect should match.
That aspect is trend
Lets discuss Trends.
With the attached image you can visualize a sample downtrend.
just flip the image ,you will get an uptrend.
Please note ,i have not mentioned the time at all.
the green lines are all the lower highs,in the above down trend.
In short the price of the instrument is going down,
Blue is when prices are dropping.
Red is correction when price pullback.they make lower highs in green lines in that image.
Pink lines are showing prices making lower lows.
And that is what is happening in there.
Do we have clarity,on the above.??

First image is down
Second is reversed up change line color accordingly.
please see the next page for the images
Now there is a very small but very valuable observation regarding any trend.
Now i want you to take a few reference point, Point A and reference Point B.
And Reference Point C

Now listen to this
from my point of view or your point of view the trend should always be down if reference point C is always below Point A.
No matter how high Point C is above B i will always call it down trend.
Do you agree.
Please see attached image


Well-Known Member

Are you sure the second chart is posted correctly ? This looks more like Urdu or Japanese uptrend....from right to left. Time is plotted on X axis from left to right normally unless it is something different here..

Sorry...could not resist posting this....carry on with the good work.

ST...Simple logic being.... If downtrend goes from left to right then by logic uptrend has to go from right to left. Who made you a mod here? I pose a serious question..... :)


Well-Known Member
Im sorry bro, but why does this chart go from right to left?? your Downtrend chart went from left to right. Is it just opposite cause its now an uptrend now?
You may call it an error,I have flipped first image by 180 degrees.
But either way up trend is still up left or right does not matter.
It is ingrained in us from childhood look to the right but in trading i will say there is no right or left only up or down.
I believe what started as an error is something that can test peoples mindset too.
I think i will keep that urdu style image:lol:


Well-Known Member
You may call it an error,I have flipped first image by 180 degrees.
But either way up trend is still up left or right does not matter.
It is ingrained in us from childhood look to the right but in trading i will say there is no right or left only up or down.
I believe what started as an error is something that can test peoples mindset too.
I think i will keep that urdu style image:lol:
No worries. Stuff goes wrong. It will be fun reading charts the ulta way. keep at it. Good luck to you.
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