I do not wanted to state a date range so soon....but this is what it should be ---sometime from 25thFeb- 7thMar or around May22-June 3rd,I see Markets bottomming out further to an extent of 12767-14312..
Very slyly(applause US feds in collusion with Goverment,has successfully passed over the failure and blame of their economic policies,credit crisis and mortgage disfunction to Saudis and Oil woes.
Though general public is going to blame Oil for problem..but the real problem is elsewhere.
What this means for all of us: There are going to be huge downsides world over..
Advice :"Select ,whatever you wanted to buy at whatever Price ...and buy it in next few days..provided you have the cash and guts becuase I,will "
p.s.: There is one improbable that I am working on ...and as promised I will let you know when is next Bull run going to take Place.Traders time to put check on your greed..stay out for some time.