Everyone is commenting the way markets behaved in past but it seems noone can accurately predict how the market will react in future will all that technical analysis on our hands.
let's play a small game.
we will select some stocks and the most learned men of the forum i.e. Legends like Saint. should predict where the stock will be heading for tomorrow/this week/this month. also give reasons and if possible charts for your prediction
i think this will also settle the debate about the usefullness or uselessness of technical analysis ( i am fully supportive of the fundamental analysis)
For starting let's select 6 indicators
1 .sensex.
2. Nifty
3 Powergrid
4. Sail
5. Alembic
6. reliance infra ( why is it that it hits daily uppercircuit of 5%)
Everyone is commenting the way markets behaved in past but it seems noone can accurately predict how the market will react in future will all that technical analysis on our hands.
let's play a small game.
we will select some stocks and the most learned men of the forum i.e. Legends like Saint. should predict where the stock will be heading for tomorrow/this week/this month. also give reasons and if possible charts for your prediction
i think this will also settle the debate about the usefullness or uselessness of technical analysis ( i am fully supportive of the fundamental analysis)
For starting let's select 6 indicators
1 .sensex.
2. Nifty
3 Powergrid
4. Sail
5. Alembic
6. reliance infra ( why is it that it hits daily uppercircuit of 5%)