How to become a non resident indian for the sake of trading forex

If Indian politicians and bureaucrats can invest their money abroad why not give the same privilege to us ordinary citizens.
Because they are the ruling-class while the rest are the sub-humans, who don't have the same rights & privileges as them!

That's the thing with governments in general, that there's a ruling-class & those that are ruled; previously, with kings & everything, the ruling-class was less flexible while these days you can join the ruling-class if you fool enough people into voting for you by offering to rob & coerce other people

It's quite funny you know, if you rob someone with threat of force then that's wrong but when governments rob (tax) people that's ok :confused: if you print money & develue the currency then that's wrong but when governments do it then that's ok :confused: if you use threat or force to get people to do what you want then that's wrong but when government does it (for example disallowing people to invest THEIR OWN money in forex) then that's ok :confused:
There's so much cognitive dissonance exhibited by most people, where they'll talk about "equality of rights" & everything & yet it's considered ok for governments (aka politicians & bureaucrats) to steal, cheat, coerce & hurt others as they deem fit
If we truly believe in equal rights for all then, NOBODY, meaning NO PERSON, should be able to steal, defraud, use violence or force against another innocent person

We can't use OUR OWN money, which we've gotten WITHOUT stealing or defrauding or forcing others, we can't "legally" use it to invest in a perfectly legitimate activity like forex-trading, amazing right! :(

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