Options are not like stocks where you buy them and hold them. Decay will continually erode your position and a change in trend can evaporate your profits quickly. It is important to set a specific target price for the option when you initiate the position. When you reach your target, you sell and take our profits. Beware that greed can be a strong motivator and make you want to increase your price target as it is rising. However, doing that can sometimes turn a winning position into a losing position.
There is no clear cut principle to know when time decay will start. But when expiry date started approaching near decay will start fast and will try to match the strike price and spot price. Premium will start evporating.
There is no clear cut principle to know when time decay will start. But when expiry date started approaching near decay will start fast and will try to match the strike price and spot price. Premium will start evporating.