I can Create AFL but Need Strategy

well, the highly traded counter like BANK NIFTY, with 9:15:25 u might seen Open=Low but high is different, and it keep on making new highs....
So you want to get your signal at 9:15:25 or even before that ???

I am not sure why do you need an afl for this but anyway as its simple to code, and by coding it always helps me understand the price action better.

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

Buy 	=	TimeFrameGetPrice("O",inDaily,0) == TimeFrameGetPrice("L",inDaily,0) AND TimeNum() < 100000;
Sell	=	TimeNum() > 150000;
Buy 	=	ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell	=	ExRem(Sell,Buy);
Short	=	TimeFrameGetPrice("O",inDaily,0) == TimeFrameGetPrice("H",inDaily,0) AND TimeNum() < 100000;
Cover	=	TimeNum() > 150000;
Short	=	ExRem(Short,Cover);
Cover	=	ExRem(Cover,Short);

PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow     * Buy,  colorBlue, 0, L);
PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow * Short,colorRed, 0, H);

Please remember that this signal is volatile i.e. the buy will disappear if the price makes a new Low after some time.

For e.g. with bank nifty on 25/3/2013 (& April 3), first Open = Low and new low is made after 1 hour, the signal will show only till the time Open = Low
similarly on 1st April open = high and then new high is about after 1/2 hour

Open = High, worked on 4th April

On the days we get failure the reverse trade seems to work
Last edited:
So you want to get your signal at 9:15:25 or even before that ???

I am not sure why do you need an afl for this but anyway as its simple to code, and by coding it always helps me understand the price action better.

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

Buy 	=	TimeFrameGetPrice("O",inDaily,0) == TimeFrameGetPrice("L",inDaily,0) AND TimeNum() < 100000;
Sell	=	TimeNum() > 150000;
Buy 	=	ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell	=	ExRem(Sell,Buy);
Short	=	TimeFrameGetPrice("O",inDaily,0) == TimeFrameGetPrice("H",inDaily,0) AND TimeNum() < 100000;
Cover	=	TimeNum() > 150000;
Short	=	ExRem(Short,Cover);
Cover	=	ExRem(Cover,Short);

PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow     * Buy,  colorBlue, 0, L);
PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow * Short,colorRed, 0, H);

Please remember that this signal is volatile i.e. the buy will disappear if the price makes a new Low after some time.

For e.g. with bank nifty on 25/3/2013 (& April 3), first Open = Low and new low is made after 1 hour, the signal will show only till the time Open = Low
similarly on 1st April open = high and then new high is about after 1/2 hour

Open = High, worked on 4th April

On the days we get failure the reverse trade seems to work
But with this code, will trade done automatically???
To Seniors and Traderji members
I want to share a afl which is already shared by one of traderji member. I want to add auto buy, sell and stop loss signal or indicator and when stop loss modified then 'stop loss indicator' should be modified. Buy, Sell or Stop loss should be triggered after bar closed. I need this because i do trade with automatic trading system. I unable to add indicators in this afl. Below is a afl.

///////////This system has kpl swing with ishimaku clouds and targets and stop loss

/////////////////////////////////// Programs Begins

//////////////////with near days high low scanner

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );


IIf( PctVlt>=0.5 AND PctVlt< 1.0 ,Peak(Close,0.70,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=1.0 AND PctVlt< 1.5 ,Peak(Close,0.90,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=1.5 AND PctVlt< 2.0 ,Peak(Close,1.10,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=2.0 AND PctVlt< 2.5 ,Peak(Close,1.30,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=2.5 AND PctVlt< 3.0 ,Peak(Close,1.50,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=3.0 AND PctVlt< 3.5 ,Peak(Close,1.70,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=3.5 AND PctVlt< 4.0 ,Peak(Close,2.00,1),
Peak(Close,2.20,1) ))))))));

IIf( PctVlt>=0.5 AND PctVlt< 1.0 ,Trough(Close,0.75,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=1.0 AND PctVlt< 1.5 ,Trough(Close,1.00,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=1.5 AND PctVlt< 2.0 ,Trough(Close,1.25,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=2.0 AND PctVlt< 2.5 ,Trough(Close,1.50,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=2.5 AND PctVlt< 3.0 ,Trough(Close,1.75,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=3.0 AND PctVlt< 3.5 ,Trough(Close,2.00,1),
IIf( PctVlt>=3.5 AND PctVlt< 4.0 ,Trough(Close,2.25,1),
Trough(Close,2.50,1) ))))))));

IIf( PctVlt>=0.5 AND PctVlt< 1.0 ,0.75,
IIf( PctVlt>=1.0 AND PctVlt< 1.5 ,1.00,
IIf( PctVlt>=1.5 AND PctVlt< 2.0 ,1.25,
IIf( PctVlt>=2.0 AND PctVlt< 2.5 ,1.50,
IIf( PctVlt>=2.5 AND PctVlt< 3.0 ,1.75,
IIf( PctVlt>=3.0 AND PctVlt< 3.5 ,2.00,
IIf( PctVlt>=3.5 AND PctVlt< 4.0 ,2.25,
2.50 ))))))));


DayH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1); DayHI = LastValue (DayH,1);// yesterdays high
DayL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1); DayLI = LastValue (DayL,1); // yesterdays low
DayC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1); // yesterdays close
DayO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily); // current day open
DayH2= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -2); DayH2I = LastValue (DayH2,1); // Two days before high
DayL2= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -2); DayL2I = LastValue (DayL2,1); // Two days before low
DayH3= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -3); DayH3I = LastValue (DayH3,1); // Three days before high
DayL3= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -3); DayL3I = LastValue (DayL3,1); // Three days before low

numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
hts = -33.5;




messageboard = ParamToggle("Message Board","Show|Hide",0);
showsl = ParamToggle("Stop Loss Line", "Show|Hide", 0);

if (showsl == 0)
//{Plot(s5d,"Stop Loss",colorCustom14,styleDots);}
exitlong = Cross(s5d, H);
PlotShapes(exitlong * shapeNone, colorBlack,0,H,-10);
exitshort = Cross(L, s5d);
PlotShapes(exitshort * shapeNone, colorBlack,0,L,-15);

Buy = exitshort;
Sell = exitlong;
//Short = Sell;
//Cover = Buy;
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);
//Short = ExRem(Short, Cover);
//Cover = ExRem(Cover, Short);
AlertIf( Buy, "", "BUY @ " + C, 1 );
AlertIf( Sell, "", "SELL @ " + C, 2 );

if(Buy[i] == 1)
entry = C[i];
sig = "BUY";
sl = s5d[i];
tar1 = entry + (entry * .0050);
tar2 = entry + (entry * .0092);
tar3 = entry + (entry * .0179);

bars = i;
i = 0;
if(Sell[i] == 1)
sig = "SELL";
entry = C[i];
sl = s5d[i];
tar1 = entry - (entry * .0050);
tar2 = entry - (entry * .0112);
tar3 = entry - (entry * .0212);

bars = i;
i = 0;
Offset = 20;
Clr = IIf(sig == "BUY", colorLime, colorRed);
ssl = IIf(bars == BarCount-1, s5d[BarCount-1], Ref(s5d, -1));
sl = ssl[BarCount-1];

Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar1, BarCount, tar1,1), "", Clr, styleLine|styleDots, Null, Null, Offset);
Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar2, BarCount, tar2,1), "", Clr, styleLine|styleDots, Null, Null, Offset);
Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar3, BarCount, tar3,1), "", Clr, styleLine|styleDots, Null, Null, Offset);

Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, sl, BarCount, sl,1), "", colorDarkRed, styleLine|styleLine, Null, Null, Offset);
Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, entry, BarCount, entry,1), "", colorGreen, styleLine|styleLine, Null, Null, Offset);

for (i=bars; i <BarCount;i++)
PlotText(""+sig+"@"+entry, BarCount+1,entry,Null,colorBlue);
PlotText("T1@"+tar1,BarCount+3,tar1,Null,Clr);PlotText("T2@"+tar2,BarCount+3,tar2,Null,Clr);PlotText ("T3@"+tar3,BarCount+3,tar3,Null,Clr);


printf("Last " + sig + " Signal came " + (BarCount-bars) + " bars ago");
printf("\n" + sig + " @ : " + entry + "\nStop Loss : " + sl + " (" + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "SELL",entry-sl,sl-entry), 2.2) + ")"+ "\nTarget_1 : " + tar1 + "\nTarget_2 : " + tar2 + "\nTarget_3 : " + tar3);
printf("\nCurrent P/L : " + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "BUY",(C-entry),(entry-C)),2.2));

if (messageboard == 0 )
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );

if ( sig =="BUY")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorBlue ); // this is the box background color
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorRed ); // this is the box background color
pxHeight = Status( "pxchartheight" ) ;
xx = Status( "pxchartwidth");
Left = 1100;
width = 310;
x = 5;
x2 = 290;

y = pxHeight;

GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1); // broader color
GfxRoundRect( x, y - 163, x2, y , 7, 7 ) ;
GfxTextOut( ( " Trading System "),88,y-165);
GfxTextOut( (" "),27,y-160);
GfxTextOut( ("Last " + sig + " Signal came " + (BarCount-bars-1) * Interval()/60 + " mins ago"), 13, y-140) ; // The text format location
GfxTextOut( ("" + WriteIf(sig =="BUY",sig + " @ ",sig + " @") + " : " + entry), 13, y-120);
GfxTextOut( ("Trailing SL : " + sl + " (" + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "SELL",entry-sl,sl-entry), 2.2) + ")"), 13, y-100);
GfxTextOut( ("TGT:1 : " + tar1), 13, y -80);
GfxTextOut( ("TGT:2 : " + tar2), 13,y-60);
GfxTextOut( ("TGT:3 : " + tar3), 13,y-40);
GfxTextOut( ("Current P/L : " + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "BUY",(C-entry),(entry-C)),2.2)), 88, y-22);;



_SECTION_BEGIN("Magnified Market Price");
FS=Param("Font Size",30,30,100,1);
GfxSelectFont("Arial", FS, 700, italic = False, underline = False, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorBlack) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",750,800,800,800);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",27,27,27,27);
GfxTextOut(""+C,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 12, 700, italic = False, underline = False, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor(ParamColor("Color",colorYellow) );
GfxTextOut(""+DD+" ("+xx+"%)", Hor+5, Ver+45 );



/*Plot EMA*/
Plot( EMA( Close,13), "13 EMA", colorRed,styleLine);
Plot( EMA( Close,34), "34 EMA", colorBlue,styleLine);
Plot( EMA( Close,55), "55 EMA", colorBlack,styleLine);
Plot( EMA( Close,89), "89 EMA", colorYellow,styleLine);

_SECTION_BEGIN("Ichimoku Cloud Charts");
GraphXSpace =1;
prds = Param("Standard Line Periods?", 13,5,26,1);
prds1 = Param("Turning Line Periods?", 3,3,10,1);
prds2 = Param("Delayed Line Periods?", 12,4,25,1);
prds3 = Param("Spans Periods?", 16,10,52,1);
TL = ( HHV( H, prds1) + LLV( L, prds1) )/2;
SL = ( HHV( H, prds) + LLV( L, prds) )/2;
DL = Ref( C, prds2);
Sp1 = Ref( ( SL + TL )/2, -prds2);
Sp2 = Ref( (HHV( H, prds3) + LLV(L, prds3))/2, -prds2);
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates | chartShowArrows | chartLogarithmic | chartWrapTitle );
_N( Title = StrFormat( "{{NAME}} - " + SectorID( 1 ) + " - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " + WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) + " {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ) );
if ( ParamToggle( "Tooltip shows", "All Values|Only Prices" ) )
ToolTip = StrFormat( "Open: %g\nHigh: %g\nLow: %g\nClose: %g (%.1f%%)\nVolume: " + NumToStr( V, 1 ), O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) );
PlotOHLC (Sp1,Sp1,Sp2,Sp2,"Cloud",IIf(Sp1>Sp2,ParamColor("S pan1 Color", ColorRGB(0,255,0)),ParamColor("Span2 Color",ColorRGB(255,104,32))),styleCloud);


/////////////////////////////////////Kpl Swing
//kpl swing formula here
//---- heikin ashi
HaClose = (O+H+L+C)/4;
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), .40);
HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
xDiff = (HaHigh - Halow) * IIf(StrFind(Name(),"JPY"),100,10000);
// Plot(EMA(HaClose,9),"",colorWhite, styleLine);
// Plot(EMA(HaClose,18),"",colorBlack, styleLine);
no=Param( "Swing", 10, 1, 55 );
tsl_col=ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle );


Plot(tsl, _DEFAULT_NAME(), tsl_col, styleStaircase); // or styleaArea


////////////////////details of stock at the title

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));


/////////////////////weekly high low

Lclose= LLV(L,5);
DH = EncodeColor(colorDarkBlue) + "weekly-H-L = " + Hclose + "\n";
DL = EncodeColor(colorDarkRed) + "weekly-H-L = " + Lclose + "\n";
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} ({{INTERVAL}}), {{DATE}} ; {{OHLCX}}, V=%1.0f\n {{VALUES}}\n\n", V) + DH + DL);


/////////////////Stock near days high and low scanner
H1 = HHV(H, 1) ;

H2= (H1-C)< .001*C;

L1 = LLV(L,1) ;

L2 = (C-L1) < .001*C ;

TimeFrameRestore() ;

SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True);

AddTextColumn(Name(), "Symbol");
AddColumn(DateTime(), "Date", formatDateTime);
AddColumn(C, "CMP", 1.2);

Filter = H2 OR L2 ;

Buy = H2 ;
Sell = L2 ;

///////////////////////////candle stick reader

_SECTION_BEGIN("Candle Identification");
O1 = Ref(O,-1);O2 = Ref(O,-2);
H1 = Ref(H,-1);H2 = Ref(H,-2);
L1 = Ref(L,-1);L2 = Ref(L,-2);
C1 = Ref(C,-1);C2 = Ref(C,-2);
function CandlePattern(P)
global PatternName;
if(P == 0) { PatternName = "NearDoji"; Pv = (abs(O-C)<= ((H-L)*0.1)); }
else if(P == 1) { PatternName = "BlackCandle"; Pv = (O>C); }
else if(P == 2) { PatternName = "LongBlackCandle"; Pv = (O>C AND
(O-C)/(.001+H-L)>.6); }
else if(P == 3) { PatternName = "SmallBlackCandle"; Pv = ((O>C) AND
((H-L)>(3*(O-C)))); }
else if(P == 4) { PatternName = "WhiteCandle"; Pv = (C>O); }
else if(P == 5) { PatternName = "LongWhiteCandle"; Pv = ((C>O) AND
((C-O)/(.001+H-L)>.6)); }
else if(P == 6) { PatternName = "SmallWhiteCandle"; Pv = ((C>O) AND
((H-L)>(3*(C-O)))); }
else if(P == 7) { PatternName = "BlackMaubozu"; Pv = (O>C AND H==O AND
C==L); }
else if(P == 8) { PatternName = "WhiteMaubozu"; Pv = (C>O AND H==C AND
O==L); }
else if(P == 9) { PatternName = "BlackClosingMarubozu"; Pv = (O>C AND
C==L); }
else if(P == 10) { PatternName = "WhiteClosingMarubozu"; Pv = (C>O AND
C==H); }
else if(P == 11) { PatternName = "BlackOpeningMarubozu"; Pv = (O>C AND
O==H); }
else if(P == 12) { PatternName = "WhiteOpeningMarubozu"; Pv = (C>O AND
O==L); }
else if(P == 13) { PatternName = "HangingMan"; Pv = (((H-L)>4*(O-C)) AND
((C-L)/(.001+H-L)>= 0.75) AND ((O-L)/(.001+H-L)>= 0.75)); }
else if(P == 14) { PatternName = "Hammer"; Pv = (((H-L)>3*(O-C)) AND
((C-L)/(.001+H-L)>0.6) AND ((O-L)/(.001+H-L)>0.6)); }
else if(P == 15) { PatternName = "InvertedHammer"; Pv = (((H-L)>3*(O-C))
AND ((H-C)/(.001+H-L)>0.6) AND ((H-O)/(.001+H-L)>0.6)); }
else if(P == 16) { PatternName = "ShootingStar"; Pv = (((H-L)>4*(O-C))
AND ((H-C)/(.001+H-L)>= 0.75) AND ((H-O)/(.001+H-L)>= 0.75)); }
else if(P == 17) { PatternName = "BlackSpinningTop"; Pv = ((O>C) AND
((H-L)>(3*(O-C))) AND (((H-O)/(.001+H-L))<.4) AND
(((C-L)/(.001+H-L))<.4)); }
else if(P == 18) { PatternName = "WhiteSpinningTop"; Pv = ((C>O) AND
((H-L)>(3*(C-O))) AND (((H-C)/(.001+H-L))<.4) AND
(((O-L)/(.001+H-L))<.4)); }
else if(P == 19) { PatternName = "BearishAbandonedBaby"; Pv = ((C1 == O1)
AND (C2>O2) AND (O>C) AND (L1>H2) AND (L1>H)); }
else if(P == 20) { PatternName = "BearishEveningDojiStar"; Pv = ((C2>O2)
AND ((C2-O2)/(.001+H2-L2)>.6) AND (C2<O1) AND (C1>O1) AND
((H1-L1)>(3*(C1-O1))) AND (O>C) AND (O<O1)); }
else if(P == 21) { PatternName = "DarkCloudCover"; Pv = (C1>O1 AND
((C1+O1)/2)>C AND O>C AND O>C1 AND C>O1 AND (O-C)/(.001+(H-L)>0.6)); }
else if(P == 22) { PatternName = "BearishEngulfing"; Pv = ((C1>O1) AND
(O>C) AND (O>= C1) AND (O1>= C) AND ((O-C)>(C1-O1))); }
else if(P == 23) { PatternName = "ThreeOutsideDownPattern"; Pv = ((C2>O2)
AND (O1>C1) AND (O1>= C2) AND (O2>= C1) AND ((O1-C1)>(C2-O2)) AND (O>C) AND
(C<C1)); }
else if(P == 24) { PatternName = "BullishAbandonedBaby"; Pv = ((C1 == O1)
AND (O2>C2) AND (C>O) AND (L2>H1) AND (L>H1)); }
else if(P == 25) { PatternName = "BullishMorningDojiStar"; Pv = ((O2>C2)
AND ((O2-C2)/(.001+H2-L2)>.6) AND (C2>O1) AND (O1>C1) AND
((H1-L1)>(3*(C1-O1))) AND (C>O) AND (O>O1)); }
else if(P == 26) { PatternName = "BullishEngulfing"; Pv = ((O1>C1) AND
(C>O) AND (C>= O1) AND (C1>= O) AND ((C-O)>(O1-C1))); }
else if(P == 27) { PatternName = "ThreeOutsideUpPattern"; Pv = ((O2>C2)
AND (C1>O1) AND (C1>= O2) AND (C2>= O1) AND ((C1-O1)>(O2-C2)) AND (C>O) AND
(C>C1)); }
else if(P == 28) { PatternName = "BullishHarami"; Pv = ((O1>C1) AND (C>O)
AND (C<= O1) AND (C1<= O) AND ((C-O)<(O1-C1))); }
else if(P == 29) { PatternName = "ThreeInsideUpPattern"; Pv = ((O2>C2)
AND (C1>O1) AND (C1<= O2) AND (C2<= O1) AND ((C1-O1)<(O2-C2)) AND (C>O) AND
(C>C1) AND (O>O1)); }
else if(P == 30) { PatternName = "PiercingLine"; Pv = ((C1<O1) AND
(((O1+C1)/2)<C) AND (O<C) AND (O<C1) AND (C<O1) AND
((C-O)/(.001+(H-L))>0.6)); }
else if(P == 31) { PatternName = "BearishHarami"; Pv = ((C1>O1) AND (O>C)
AND (O<= C1) AND (O1<= C) AND ((O-C)<(C1-O1))); }
else if(P == 32) { PatternName = "ThreeInsideDownPattern"; Pv = ((C2>O2)
AND (O1>C1) AND (O1<= C2) AND (O2<= C1) AND ((O1-C1)<(C2-O2)) AND (O>C) AND
(C<C1) AND (O<O1)); }
else if(P == 33) { PatternName = "ThreeWhiteSoldiers"; Pv = (C>O*1.01)
AND (C1>O1*1.01) AND (C2>O2*1.01) AND (C>C1) AND (C1>C2) AND (O<C1) AND
(O>O1) AND (O1<C2) AND (O1>O2) AND (((H-C)/(H-L))<.2) AND
(((H1-C1)/(H1-L1))<.2) AND (((H2-C2)/(H2-L2))<.2); }
else if(P == 34) { PatternName = "DarkCloudCover"; Pv = (C1>O1*1.01) AND
(O>C) AND (O>H1) AND (C>O1) AND (((C1+O1)/2)>C) AND (C>O1) AND
(MA(C,13)-Ref(MA(C,13),-4)>0); }
else if(P == 35) { PatternName = "ThreeBlackCrows"; Pv = (O>C*1.01) AND
(O1>C1*1.01) AND (O2>C2*1.01) AND (C<C1) AND (C1<C2) AND (O>C1) AND (O<O1)
AND (O1>C2) AND (O1<O2) AND (((C-L)/(H-L))<.2) AND (((C1-L1)/(H1-L1))<.2)
AND (((C2-L2)/(H2-L2))<.2); }
else if(P == 36) { PatternName = "doji"; Pv = (O == C); }
else if(P == 37) { PatternName = "GapUp"; Pv = GapUp(); }
else if(P == 38) { PatternName = "GapDown"; Pv = GapDown(); }
else if(P == 39) { PatternName = "BigGapUp"; Pv = L>1.01*H1; }
else if(P == 40) { PatternName = "BigGapDown"; Pv = H<0.99*L1; }
else if(P == 41) { PatternName = "HugeGapUp"; Pv = L>1.02*H1; }
else if(P == 42) { PatternName = "HugeGapDown"; Pv = H<0.98*L1; }
else if(P == 43) { PatternName = "DoubleGapUp"; Pv = GapUp() AND
Ref(GapUp(),-1); }
else if(P == 44) { PatternName = "DoubleGapDown"; Pv = GapDown() AND
Ref(GapDown(),-1); }
return Pv;

PatternNameList = "";
for(Cp=0; Cp<=44; Cp++)
VarSet("Pattern"+NumToStr(Cp,1.0),CandlePattern(cP ));
PatternNameList = PatternNameList +PatternName+",";

BI = BarIndex();
SelectedBar = SelectedValue(BI) -BI[0];
//Selectedbar = Status("lastvisiblebar")-1;
for(Cp=0; Cp<=44; Cp++)
Temp = VarGet("Pattern"+NumToStr(Cp,1.0));
if(temp[SelectedBar]) Pstr=Pstr+"#"+NumToStr(Cp,1.0)+" - "+StrExtract(PatternNameList,Cp)+"\n";

FS=Param("Font Size",11,11,100,1);
GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", FS, 700, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorWhite) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",237,1,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",50,1,830,1);
GfxTextOut("Candle Reader= "+Pstr, Hor , Ver );



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