Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis


Well-Known Member
Done the analysis, but I can't post any pics, will tv n explain count later, my head is spinning after spending the last 8 hrs on it.
However count is valid only iffff, certain pivots are right, I'm a little skeptical about the last June July lows since diff data providers have conflicting views.

However one thing is for sure v r in the 5th wave form 1992--- 2012 but long term price tgts r not much higher, in terms of time, ur in for a shock,

Going fwd by EW analysis, the emerging Indian economy can be referred to as the submerging or non existent one, for quite a few years.:(:(:
I think Prada has said something like that in the begining of the thread...tough he said or mentioned about Contradief cycle ... just a curiosity whether ur EW analysis falls under same view with Prada or not....It's just a curiosity...Don't know whether u will reply me or not.,...

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