India Waiting For Your Opinion-Best Customer Support



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    Votes: 2 20.0%

    Votes: 2 20.0%

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Saikotdg;499190[B said:
This is my first post to this forum. But I am watching this forum for last 2 years.I have seen many data vendors are doing marketing in this forum.And esignalindia also doing marketing (through poll and thread) in this forum.

Mr.Saikat,you declared himself as a person of esignal india(I don't know it is true or not) in your post.Post link is below.

If you are a esignalindia person then try to improve your data and support quality. I am writing some problem of your organisation:

1. One man army: If any problem occurs in software no one able to support(reason you are a distributor not developer).Some times your person tell us "I am in bank.Pls wait".But market does not wait for any person.

2.Low server capacity :If we try to take a new demo then we have to wait for long time.Reason server is not free.

3.Opening Bar problem:Problem in opening price also happen many times.

4.Price: No fixed price of your data(Depends on bargaining)

Please take above criticism sportingly . And I believe that will increase your business.

Thanks for your honest confession that you are from esignalindia.

Bye from another Saikotdg(try to make friendship with you)

Thanks for this useful post
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New Member
Saikotdg;499190 [B said:
This is my first post to this forum. But I am watching this forum for last 2 years.I have seen many data vendors are doing marketing in this forum.And esignalindia also doing marketing (through poll and thread) in this forum.

Mr.Saikat,you declared himself as a person of esignal india(I don't know it is true or not) in your post.Post link is below.

If you are a esignalindia person then try to improve your data and support quality. I am writing some problem of your organisation:

1. One man army: If any problem occurs in software no one able to support(reason you are a distributor not developer).Some times your person tell us "I am in bank.Pls wait".But market does not wait for any person.

2.Low server capacity :If we try to take a new demo then we have to wait for long time.Reason server is not free.

3.Opening Bar problem:Problem in opening price also happen many times.

4.Price: No fixed price of your data(Depends on bargaining)

Please take above criticism sportingly . And I believe that will increase your business.

Thanks for your honest confession that you are from esignalindia.

Bye from another Saikotdg(try to make friendship with you)

We need that kind of true information from our member.Thanks for your post.Keep it up.:thumb:
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If you have any information about any new software for analysis ,Please write here.
We are waiting for your information.
