Informed traders : how they make their Judgment ?


Well-Known Member
Difference between TA and FA: (just expressing my view not enforcing)

TA is for traders and FA is for investors. Investors need to know "if" the stock can appreciate. Traders need to know "when" the stock can appreciate.

i agree wt ur view on TA & FA.... just want to develop the ability to combine the two.

i see no reason why u cant enforce a view. I get to know something new about my own belief if someone objects and puts a different perspective on the table. the very purpose of having a discussion is just that.


Active Member
I don't think you can combine the two. if you are trading it doesnt matter which stock you trade (FA is useless) if you are investing then I think TA will help on entry and at exit but if you check the technicals in between the entry and exit you will have a problem if you get a sell trigger.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can combine the two. if you are trading it doesnt matter which stock you trade (FA is useless) if you are investing then I think TA will help on entry and at exit but if you check the technicals in between the entry and exit you will have a problem if you get a sell trigger.
lets look at an example. Some NEWS comes that effects a certain group of stocks. Do u wait for charts to confirm the reaction or use the NEWS to act.


Active Member
I have learnt from experience that you should wait for the charts. Reason is simple - what is the chart - price! what determines your profit or loss - price! What one thinks about the news doesn't matter unless he is the one holding majority of the stock. If people think it is bad news and start to dump a stock no fundamental can save it. It might recover later but it is best to have a calculated stop loss.

In other words.. if you think a stock is stong fundamentally and it good at the current price then woundn't it be better at a lower price? So sell it now and buy when it starts moving up again. And lets says something like Satyam happens (I am not indicating fraud), you will be happy then you got out when you could.

I think it's better to be safe than sorry and another thing I learned very late - whether you are a TA or FA or anyone else buy when to stock is moving up and sell when it goes down.


Well-Known Member
What i was trying to say is that, it was the news that was affecting the price. is it better to be part of the candlesticks that makes the reversal pattern or wait for a pattern to be established before u act.

sometimes, news gets adjusted by gaps and then what do u do.
Hi Bro, I am very new to investing. Just tried on others tips & always failed & lost. Could you please tell me any resources to learn. I want to learn how to decide what & when to buy & sell, so that I can atleast recover losses.


Active Member
What i was trying to say is that, it was the news that was affecting the price. is it better to be part of the candlesticks that makes the reversal pattern or wait for a pattern to be established before u act.

sometimes, news gets adjusted by gaps and then what do u do.
I get your point and I have to say I have tried it and failed. So I choose the safer method. let me substantiate there recent news of suzlon getting a big order last month I bought suzlon immediately, by that time suzlon has rallied to 43 and was at 42.75 and then suzlon went down to 42.15 so I thought maybe I over-reacted. Later that day it came back to 42.65 so I set a sell order at 42.75 and it got sold. By the end of the day suzlon had gone to 43.5 and was about 43.2 something. It was a good 2 -2.5hrs it traded with the news out that day. The next day suzlon rose 3-4% and finally it's rally ended after a few days at 70 with news about faulty blades. This time the stock went down but then came back up a couple of days later and still trades close to the 70 level somedays.

What was expected happened but at the time I wasn't expecting. This is just one example. You can try but it is better to wait for the price action.

Have you had success with breaking news? Someother times what happens is that the good news comes first, you buy it and then the bad news hits. Happens with earnings. So I've made my decision - I will look before jumping.

rajiv100 said:
Hi Bro, I am very new to investing. Just tried on others tips & always failed & lost. Could you please tell me any resources to learn. I want to learn how to decide what & when to buy & sell, so that I can atleast recover losses.
Read saints thread "Teach a man to fish.."


Well-Known Member
Have you had success with breaking news? Someother times what happens is that the good news comes first, you buy it and then the bad news hits. Happens with earnings. So I've made my decision - I will look before jumping.
I didnt have any success on that either.
last year i got a news that Infy 2nd qtr results would be better and a day before the news came out, i bought 2 lots at 1802. At the end of the day, it was trading at 1832. News came the next day and it was definitely better than expected. Udayan was telling every one how there will be a gap up to 2000 levels and our gr8 analyst Aswani Gujral was giving tips about how 2400 was the next resistance. I was on the 7th moon. Infy opened gap up to 1884 and then the selling started. god it was like a nightmare. Infy fell like crazy. My net connection was down, by the time i called up my broker and sold the lots, I had already lost 28,000. Infy closed below 1700 that day. It seems the dollar guidance was bad and despite the eps being raised to 101 from 95, bear markets didnt like any bad news.

Then i met this guy who traded the news and his style of play impressed me. A pure FA trader. Not an investor with 5 year time horizon. He kept his positions hedged all the time. and the volume he traded blew my mind. even the last month, he bought 900 shares of reliance (cash) at 1300 levels and bought puts as hedge. I even posted a detailed report on reliance in the webotron thread at that time.

he calls technical analyst as Tech-NIKAAL ANALyst. and if you see his calls, you'll think he is an insider. I'll post some of his live market calls sometime and you can see the pattern.

I mean, here i am thinking TA knowledge was all that a trader needs and he think's all i do is hope and pray and nothing else. He is too polite to put it that way but thats what he meant.

I am in the same boat as you are. But somehow, i feel like a frog in a well who just came to know that there is a whole new world outside the well.


Well-Known Member
I've heard this too but just can't recollect ..
Name of this person if u please.
His name is Devang...of DSJ stocks from Mumbai.... he owns that company...even has a branch in Kolkata and even the operators here too have the same instructions: no open positions.

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