Ipo Diary

Hi GB,

how are you? how much the % of retail in power grid? and how much time it can get oversub. in retail?

hi pratik

1. Retail quota in Power grid is 35%
2. since retail quota shares value is Rs 2640 crores , it may be expected 2 to 3 times oversubscription in Retail portion .

Hi Gb,

can you please tell me that at what date power grid shares will be alloted in our demat account and when we can sell it?

hi pratik,

1. allotment of powergrid shares may be done by 20th/22nd.
2. since Listing has to be done now within 12 working days from closure , expect Listing by 24th/25th.

though this is FPO already listed , sell your allotted share on Listing notification for new FPO shares



Active Member
hey GB,
i am just lil confused.
price band for Pgrid FPO is 85-90.

1.there are huge bids from 85 Rs to 90 Rs. but one thing, BSE+NSE page on bseindia is showing bids at 90 & at cutoff different. y is so. aren't 90 & cutoff are same? second: who the hell making such huge bids @ prices in price band. & whats logic behind making such huge bids. i've seen this in COAL too. (this is probably stupid q, but answer if possible)

2. in RII they show no quantity bids at cutoff & at other prices. how come such thing not shown in QIB?

3.besides when u say some issue is 2.31times subscribed (recent coal ind), wht does it mean? i mean there are 2.31 times bid at cutoff price or overall 2.31 times bid received in price band?

excuse me being noob :D

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hey GB,
i am just lil confused.
price band for Pgrid FPO is 85-90.

1.there are huge bids from 85 Rs to 90 Rs. but one thing, BSE+NSE page on bseindia is showing bids at 90 & at cutoff different. y is so. aren't 90 & cutoff are same? second: who the hell making such huge bids @ prices in price band. & whats logic behind making such huge bids. i've seen this in COAL too. (this is probably stupid q, but answer if possible)

2. in RII they show no quantity bids at cutoff & at other prices. how come such thing not shown in QIB?

3.besides when u say some issue is 2.31times subscribed (recent coal ind), wht does it mean? i mean there are 2.31 times bid at cutoff price or overall 2.31 times bid received in price band?

excuse me being noob :D

Dear Logik,

1. a) cutoff bids - these are open rate bids made by Retail investors as only they are allowed for this ,with a understaoding that what ever rate is decided will be acceptable ,for this they pay highest possible rate of the IPO.
b)price bid - NIB & QIB have to make firm price bid between 85 to 90 with ticker of 1/-
c) QIB and NIB have 65% share quota,since they want to have more shares apply in lacs of shares and due to this such huge demand is created in different price range. QIB application are app 100 only and NIB applications are 2000 to 5000 only,while Retail applications are in Lacs ,were 15 lac in CoalIndia.
d)Bid at cut off or firm rate of 90 have same value for allotment.

2.QIB and NIB are not allowed to make cutoff bids
3. CoalIndia was 2.31 times in retail -this included cutoff bid +price bids some at 245/ and some 244 and less . sincce price was decided 245 ,all bids for 244 or less were rejected resulting in fall of retail oversubscription thereby more shares allotted.

thats why Retail investors are always suggested to apply at cutoff.



Active Member
thanks for help GB. ur always handy.

here is something off topic.
u remember NTPC FPO time. the stock came to 200 (FPO price) from 230-240 levels, in a matter of days.

but this is not happening in PGrid. strange huh? stock trading 100+. u got any analysis of this?

here is mine foolish plan. my pa hold 120 of PG. so i am gonna sell them 2moro. say @ 100. lets say in retail it gets subscribe 4 times. so using ASBA i am gonna apply for like 520 or 650.

so i get 650/4== 170 roughly @ 86.50 (5% for RII)

so 14 bucks profit. sounds good.

comments welcome.
thanks for help GB. ur always handy.

here is something off topic.
u remember NTPC FPO time. the stock came to 200 (FPO price) from 230-240 levels, in a matter of days.

but this is not happening in PGrid. strange huh? stock trading 100+. u got any analysis of this?

here is mine foolish plan. my pa hold 120 of PG. so i am gonna sell them 2moro. say @ 100. lets say in retail it gets subscribe 4 times. so using ASBA i am gonna apply for like 520 or 650.

so i get 650/4== 170 roughly @ 86.50 (5% for RII)

so 14 bucks profit. sounds good.

comments welcome.
NTPC pricing of FPO was not investor friendly,as nothing was left on table for them.

you may sell your Powergrid holding of 120 share and apply in FPO as per your post,and you will be getting shares @85.50 in your demat a/c by 22nd , and the difference is your profit without losing this share from the portfolio.
hi gb

i am planning to hedge power grid fpo.....but November series is expiring on 25 of November...is there any possibilities of listing these share b4 25 nov........mean listing will be b4 25 or after 25.......... ??????????????????