JACKPOT or NOTHING!!!!! Amazing Technique on Last 5 min of an expiry

Yes. For sure playing in Derrivatives, we shouldn't go for high brokerage ones. They will eat away the money thru brokerages even if we are in decent profits forget about this kinda strategies.

There are plenty of service vendors where they charge very less brokerage per lot. I dont wanna advertise any broker but i am using Zerodha. Like wise based on your trading volumes you can choose RKSV, etc etc. where they charge veryless and your burden on brokerages goes down drastically and you can square off even at 5 paise profit perse.

My brokerage charge is 50Rs per trade per lot. Say i get 200 CE lot at 0.1. So total investment is 1000. And if we consider trade is failed and i dont cover and it expires. Still i need to pay my broker 200 lot x 25=5000 RS right?
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I am back guys, I have few scripts in my mind.....Let's see which will work out...

1. Sun Pharma --- Possible chances it will not break 850 this series. May hover around 850 +/- 3 within 850 range.
2. DLF --- Unless there is some verdict from SC, it will hover around 150 +/- 2 in this series.
3. HCL Technologies --- Hovering around 1640...This i am placing an order for 1650 Put @ 1.5 and 1640 CE @ 1.5. Lets see...which will work out and can help me get some profit.
4. Indexes BNF & NF so far dont show any possibilities of getting rounded off.. anything can change during the last 1 Hr to 10 to 15 min before expiry.

My risk is Rs. 2000 plus brokerages (Minimal ones though)


Well-Known Member
I am back guys, I have few scripts in my mind.....Let's see which will work out...

1. Sun Pharma --- Possible chances it will not break 850 this series. May hover around 850 +/- 3 within 850 range.
2. DLF --- Unless there is some verdict from SC, it will hover around 150 +/- 2 in this series.
3. HCL Technologies --- Hovering around 1640...This i am placing an order for 1650 Put @ 1.5 and 1640 CE @ 1.5. Lets see...which will work out and can help me get some profit.
4. Indexes BNF & NF so far dont show any possibilities of getting rounded off.. anything can change during the last 1 Hr to 10 to 15 min before expiry.

My risk is Rs. 2000 plus brokerages (Minimal ones though)
Badiya satte baaz ho bhai.
Badiya satte baaz ho bhai.
Sirf satte baaz hi nahi hoon...thoda toh analysis karke utar raha hoon trade mein.. woh be bohat hi kam risk mein..... say 2500 incl All Brokerages etc, etc.

Just read my earlier posts... you got to get out of the trade if it is ITM. So we should not just play with hell lot of scripts to avoid confusion....

Let's see...How it works out.... Still lot of time to go...Will update my trades...close to end of the day...

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Placed order for DLF 150 CE / PE @ 5 paise. 150 CE traded. 5 lots. Risk. 1000+40Rs. for both sides. If only 150 CE is traded and is expired worthless, loss is 520 Rs.

Also placed order for Jindal Steel 140 CE / PE. None traded so far. Lets see. Risk same as above.


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