This is what has been posted in moneycontrol Message Board,
Do boarders in this Board remember
the valuation report of Deutche Bank of Jai Corp at Rs. 5,000/- by March o7, and Enam's internal target at Rs. 8,000/- by March. 07. ? reported when the price was around Rs. 500-600 range. According to pattern forming in the counter, the share price can cross even Rs. 10,000/- before the presentation of BUDGET. Buy or remain invested and CHEERS.
You are free to take your own calls
Do boarders in this Board remember
the valuation report of Deutche Bank of Jai Corp at Rs. 5,000/- by March o7, and Enam's internal target at Rs. 8,000/- by March. 07. ? reported when the price was around Rs. 500-600 range. According to pattern forming in the counter, the share price can cross even Rs. 10,000/- before the presentation of BUDGET. Buy or remain invested and CHEERS.
You are free to take your own calls
I bought some more shares today.