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16-Year-Old Actress Turns Into Stock Day Trader

Rachel Fox isn’t an ordinary 16-year-old.

She's already graduated from high school and has been a working Hollywood actress for years,For the last year-and-a-half she’s been actively day-trading stocks with her own money.

She says she's been racking up stellar returns, claiming a 30.4% gain in 2012, versus the benchmark S&P 500 which gained 13% for last year.

From the time she was 8 years-old her mother would read to she and her sister from a book on finance that was kept in the house. Even as she was teaching her daughters fundamental investing, Rachel’s mom was warning them about the stock market.

She had explained that the market is different nowadays; it’s not so ‘oh you buy something, you hold it for a long time, and can grow with the company,'” Rachel says in the attached video, casually dismissing 100 years of stock market theory. “Nowadays we have day traders, institutional investors and people who just rip the market up and make stocks go like crazy.

Trading that often is not just a hobby. Rachel is up at 6:30am every morning, looks through her account, scans headlines and then makes her picks for the day. She uses a standard brokerage account and makes use of an app that enables her to trade on her smartphone.



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that is 21 EMA on EOD chart 7966 ....:):)



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SBIN futures LTP 2432 (profit 48 points)
SBIN Put Oct 2350 strike LTP 30.55 (loss 19.25 points)
SBIN Call Oct 2500 strike LTP 36.50 (loss 11.50 points)

Profit = 48-19.25-11.50= 17.25

Net Position from initial = 17.25-17.25 =0 (Plus expenses)
I forgot to mention new target ie 2500 which is reached today.
However, we will close the trade.

SBIN futures LTP 2488 (profit 56 points)
SBIN Put Oct 2350 strike LTP 14.25 (loss 16.30 points)
SBIN Call Oct 2500 strike LTP 52.00 (loss 15.50 points)

Profit = 56-16.30-15.50=24.20 points.

Net Position from initial = 24.20 points (Deduct expenses)

3 days trade with peace of mind, and the gross gain is 5%. I think not bad.:)


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