Live charting from Somatung without any trading advise

An other way to look at the current situation with the 5 min chart:

Nothing perfect and you can add a lot into the information you have on this like OI from options, Volumes, Dow theory knowledge, compare with other markets which do act as counter trend markets, further PA knowledge and so on.

Will stop for today and if you could add a bit to your trading knowledge in any way, then that was fine. I am not a good explainer or spoon feeder, but love to help a bit the way I am willing to do.

Take care / Dan :)
Here a quick update, even I wanted to stop posting for now:

Always keep and believe in what you chart:

Now if it goes wrong, you must have your plan how to act when it will happen. This you must do before you enter any option trade and even future trade. A simple stop loss is one idea, but there are many other ideas you can trade. So differ between options and future trading as this are two different pairs of shows.

And here we go like a rocket for the moment, as the first pattern I showed today is at least still holding for this time. No guarantee for the next time:

Dan :)

60 min charts gives an idea about the range in the market we have for now:

Now change to the 5 min chart and do the charting to have an overlook at this time frame:

Now zoom the chart to see more details and use your PA knowledge to value the bars or what ever you know how to value it:

Take care / Dan :)
Here a little update for today with one tool you can add to what I showed so far:

Now you do this:

Now you zoom:

And this is where we are now:

Now all this charting you can use in your market. I am clear that there is not much interest in this thread as this is not Nifty instead S&P500 and not directly told on my trading platform. So last post from me in this thread and Super Admin can close it.

I wish you a nice weekend / Dan :)

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