Long-term Investor now also into trading


Well-Known Member
Contract Desc. OPTIDX-NIFTY -26JUL2012-CE-4800.0000 -0 Expiry Date 26-Jul-12 Strike Price 4800 Buy Qty 0 Sell Qty 50 Avg. Buy Price 0 Avg. Sell Price 265 Profit 0.00


Well-Known Member
Contract Desc. OPTIDX-NIFTY -31MAY2012-CE-4800.0000 -0 Expiry Date 31-May-12 Strike Price 4800 Buy Qty 0 Sell Qty 50 Avg. Buy Price 0 Avg. Sell Price 150 Profit 0.00
long term trade in stock market is bit risky , because we deal with companies shares , bonds and derivatives , where decisions are taken by board of directors and if something is against with your buy/sell , you can't bear and definitely losses would be higher so i like to trade in day or scalping always .

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