Long-Term Trading in Forex

Holding a trade for a long time requires patience and we are mostly out of this passion. Long term trading is a kind of trading hardly favored by traders because it takes much time and comes with high trading risk.
I agree that long-term trading requires significant patience, and it's often less favored because it involves waiting for results over extended periods, which can be challenging. The higher exposure to market fluctuations and the potential for unforeseen events can increase risk. However, with proper risk management, long-term trading can be rewarding as it allows traders to capture larger market moves and reduces the emotional stress of frequent trading decisions.
We need to check out our personality type as to which extent we can react to the changes around us and make decisions accordingly. So, if we can observe even minor changes and react to them immediately then it means we can take chance in short term trading or scalping. If on the other hand, it takes us a lot of time to change our mind to any situation then we need to prefer long term trading as per our personality traits.

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