loss in options.please help!


Well-Known Member
sir, i bought 7 lots at 65 for 5700 put
Well, if you still have those puts, which are now around 2.5, you either keep them and go for the last stand or you execute them and use the money to start new.

I mean, there are ways to use that put as an insurance, but as you seem to have little knowledge about trading (If I am wrong about that then I am sorry to say so), it makes no sense to go deeper in that.

Take it as a learning lesson and use next time a stop loss. Start again with only one lot and stay with that one lot until you have more confidence and a better understanding about what you do.

Learning it the hard way is what most of us went through. So do not get lost in anger or what ever bad feelings may occure about this trade. Stay calm and motivate your self for the next trade or stay in the forum and start to learn about trading. What ever you do, I wish you only the best.

Take care / DanPickUp


Active Member
sir, i bought 7 lots at 65 for 5700 put
Krishna , u got a very good advice from DAN and quite lucky that u got so polite reply from DAN even after such a major mistake in trade. Normally DAN replies with a Hunter/Whip but his every smash is very effective for learner .
'DAN" hope u won't mind :), I really appreciate your each and every reply.:)
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Well-Known Member
Krishna , u got a very good advice from DAN and quite lucky that u got so polite reply from DAN even after such a major mistake in trade. Normally DAN replies with a Hunter but his every smash is very effective for leaner .
'DAN" hope u won't mind :), I really appreciate your each and every reply.:)
Never mind. I know by my self that I some times come with a Hunter. Some times it is good and some times the Hunter is to big. Any way: Each one of us is the way she/he is. The forum has enough space for all of us.

Take care and have a nice weekend / DanPickUp


Well-Known Member
Never mind. I know by my self that I some times come with a Hunter. Some times it is good and some times the Hunter is to big. Any way: Each one of us is the way she/he is. The forum has enough space for all of us.

Take care and have a nice weekend / DanPickUp
OMG Dan the Hunter. LOL. Howz it going buddy ?

@Krishna.Myspace - Obviously you were expecting markets to move lower but how did u arrive at that conclusion ?



Well-Known Member
OMG Dan the Hunter. LOL. Howz it going buddy ?

@Krishna.Myspace - Obviously you were expecting markets to move lower but how did u arrive at that conclusion ?

Fine, what about you? Have not seen you here for a long time.

I guess the Hunter coment from MMCA2006 was meant the following way:


and some times that way:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfxQxE4hZWA or even better, this way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=gGnyWgXnZ6g&feature=fvwp

Take care / DanPickUp