2) Lets take an example and construct a spread trade.
First we need to have some idea about the market direction (doesn't matter even if we are proven wrong. nobody is 100% right here) - so as per our current analysis, we find that market is going down since budget day. And we believe that it is going to go down further. That means we want to take bearish position. Our analysis also suggest that market can fall to 3800 level. For simplicity, lets use PUT options to trade.
Direction - Bearish
Construction - Buy 1 - PUT option strike 4000, and Sell 1 - PUT option strike 3900
Cost of trade (or net premium)= taking Friday (9/July price for July expiry) = to buy 4000 Put we have to pay 144 and when we sell 3900 Put market gives us 97.
so our net cost 144 - 97 = 47/-
Max Risk = 47
Max Reward = 4000 - 3900 = 100 rs.
Break-even point = 4000 - 47 = 3953. (that means, if market closes anywhere below 3953, we will be +ive on this trade. If it closes below 3900 we will get max reward of 100 pts. If market closes above 4000 then we will loose 47 which is max that we have put in this trade from our pocket)
This part is for addressing the most important components of trade planning - EXITs
Stoploss point - Price = When value of spread falls below 25 (i.e. out of initial investment of 47, we are not ready to loose more then 47-25 = 22 rs)
Stoploss point - Time = When 4 days are remaining for expiry and position is still in loss
Profit taking - Direction = When my view about market's direction has changed from bearish to bullish or sideway.
Profit taking - Price = When atleast 80% of potential max profit is achieved. Better to move on to next opportunity rather then waiting for last bit of profit.
EXITs is something that depends from trader to trader hence there is no single correct solution for it. But above points will help you in preparing in advance for eventuality. Once we are in trade, emotions start impacting our decision making capability hence it is better to think about them right now when there is nothing is at stake.
Happy Trading