Master one trick only


Well-Known Member
Dear jetking, pls, visit the following site, u can understand far better than me....
THANKS dear,

it is a complex pullback,which is discussed in this thread also

many names of one pattern

here is another link

One of the million dollar questions in trading is how do you distinguish a pullback from a reversal? If you could answer that you'd make millions.

Closely related is, how do you distinguish a simple (single leg) pullback from a complex (multi-leg) pullback?

You're right that we can't expect perfection! The reality is that we cannot know what the best entry strategy will be until we review the trade with the benefit of hindsight. All we can do is ensure that price is within an area in which we're happy to enter, and try to get the best price possible within that area. Then manage the trade.

Our skill at read the shifting sentiment and making higher probability decisions will improve with experience. But we can never expect perfection.

That being said, there are ways we can determine that the "better" option is waiting for the complex pullback and passing on any temptation to enter on the first signal.
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Well-Known Member

Guess you also had a nice, profitable day like many. Still, I love to see your chart and how you did trade this pivots today? One question I think was not asked from any body to you and if I missed this post, I do not mind when you correct me: As you trade with a few lots, do you have any fixed targets for the first/second/third lot you take out of the market or do you just decide this by what the chart shows? (When ever your time and mode permits) :)


Well-Known Member

Guess you also had a nice, profitable day like many. Still, I love to see your chart and how you did trade this pivots today? One question I think was not asked from any body to you and if I missed this post, I do not mind when you correct me: As you trade with a few lots, do you have any fixed targets for the first/second/third lot you take out of the market or do you just decide this by what the chart shows? (When ever your time and mode permits) :)
NO i do not have any fix target,will go by the chart

but if 1st trade end in a loss more than 10 points than in next trade i book half around 10 points to put the anxiety at bay

NO i do not have any fix target,will go by the chart

but if 1st trade end in a loss more than 10 points than in next trade i book half around 10 points to put the anxiety at bay

Thanks for your quick reply. :)

About the anxiety: Here just my two cents, as you did give a clear answer to my question. I not want to pock around here but it may helps: To put away anxiety I always have two fixed targets and the rest I decide on the chart. This helps, at least to me, to trade with less stress. Did test the add on approach in dept and found that I not trade in the zone with it. So went back to this system. (Absolute personal choice) Did not think about your way, so will keep an eye on it in the coming days to make my own mind about it. Have a nice evening and see you next time. :)

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