Mastering The Trade using Camarilla and self Trading System

Sell triggered @6755
Now Tgt @6733
with SAR @6775
SAR triggered @6775
Now Tgt @6798
with SAR @6755
Tgt achieved @6798
Made high of 6799.45
Day 3 on 02 Apr of Apr 14 Series
Score of the day is -020
My previous score is +022
Hence total score is +002
Day 4 of Apr 14 Series
Score of the day is +003
My previous score is +002
Hence total score is +005
Hello friends
Levels for 10 Apr 2014 are
L5-6747.15 H5-6924.40
L4-6781.05 H4-6889.95
L3-6808.30 H3-6862.70
L2-6817.35 H2-6853.65
L1-6826.45 H1-6844.60
Buy when goes above
6810 & 6890
Sell when falls below
6860 & 6780
All levels i will give you for Nifty Future only.
Last edited:
Sell triggered @6860
Now SL @6890
TGT @6810
I squared off my posn @6840
Again Short @6850
Now tgt again @6830
with SL @6890

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